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402. Chapter 402

      "The peach blossom forest that passes in front of you is the Jiulong Lake of our Yao Ling Pagoda, and it is also your entrance to the challenge."

     Bai Su stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Jiulong Lake. For this Dan Hui, Yao Ling Pagoda made full preparations.

     The content of the challenge for the Dan Club was also personally set by the tower owner Fang Yue Ruoshui.

     In addition, he learned that in addition to the tower owner, the elders of Yaoling Tower also participated in the content decision challenged by Danhui.

     It's just that the challenge at the beginning of the fifth level is different from what he knew in advance.

     Originally, they planned to conduct each level in the invisible land, but after the fourth level was over, he suddenly received instructions from the tower owner to temporarily change the content of the challenge.

     In other words, no one but the tower owner knew the content before.

     He did not know why the tower owner suddenly changed the content of the challenge. Could it be that the content of the previously prepared competition has been leaked out, so the tower owner was temporarily replaced?

     He felt this possibility because he had received the news before, something changed in the fourth level, many apothecists were injured, and fortunately, no one died.

     This is a stroke of lucky luck!

     Someone in the crowd heard the words of Yao Wang Baisu, and his face changed slightly.

     Jiulong Lake is the entrance, which seems to be inconsistent with the information obtained in advance.

     What exactly is going on?

     "It seems that the master has started to prevent it."

     Bei Gong Wuyang's face sank, he had received internal information, knew the content of the Ten Challenges of Danhui, and was ready.

     However, he can’t remember the challenge of Jiulong Lake.

     But he knew that before the Dan Conference, the medicine king Bai Su arranged for preparation beside the Jiulong Lake, it seemed that he was negligent.

     Presumably, even if Dan arrives, Dan might be in trouble, so he ordered Bai Su to make other preparations.

     "It's really a traitor! It's not easy to do this time!"

     The gloomy look on his face, everything that had been planned, now seems to be making another plan.

     "There is an entrance to Jiulong Dragon Palace in Jiulong Lake. The fifth hurdle is to find this entrance and enter it even if it passes. There are organ formations in the Jiulong Dragon Palace. You have to be careful everywhere."

     Medicine King Bai Su himself did not know that there was a huge underground palace hidden under Jiulong Lake. Now when the tower owner mentions it, he knows that there are many secrets in the Medicine Ling Tower that he does not know.

     He has been to the Medicine Spirit Tower for many years. Originally, he thought he still knew about the Medicine Spirit Tower, but he found that he was not qualified to contact many secret realms.

     "Wow! There is still a dragon palace under Lake Jiulong!"

     "I go to Jiulong Lake every day to raise water and irrigate spirit flowers and weeds. I have never known that there is no hole underneath!"

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