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326. Chapter 326

      "You have been expelled from the Snow Clan! You are not eligible to enter the Jiange!"

     Xue Yuntian's jealous eyes stared at Xue Yunche.

     He regarded himself as the owner of Tianjian Mountain Villa, but Xue Yunche did not take his words seriously.

     "There is blood from the Xue nationality on my body. Am I qualified to stand here? It's not enough for an outsider to talk about things."

     Above Xue Yun Che's gentle and handsome face, she has an unspeakable noble spirit and proud shore.

     He was originally the genius of the Xue family and the blood lineage of the Xue clan's heirs. It can be said that he is the most qualified person to inherit the ancestry.

     If his parents are missing, he will be persecuted by an adulterer, and he will not leave his hometown or be displaced.

     "Your Excellency is originally from the Xue ethnic group, please help open this exit, we must be grateful for your gratitude."

     Tianxuan Taoist learned that Xue Yunche was a Xuezu and immediately urged.

     He is really insecure to stay here, or go out early.

     "Yes! Please also ask the son to take us out of this ghost place!"

     "I didn't want to stay here for a moment."

     "Open the door!"

     Everyone was imprisoned in the sword pavilion, fearing that Xue Yuntian would have any future moves, so he didn't care too much, just wanted to go out first.

     "Xue Yunche, you are an abandoned child who has been expelled from the Xue clan, don't do your best! Moreover, if you let them go, Jianshanzhuang will be defeated in your hand that day. You will be the sinner of the Xuexue clan.

     Xueyun is naturally afraid that Xueyun Che can really open the door of the sword pavilion. In that case, he has nothing to threaten these people.

     This time, Tianjian Mountain Villa trapped the elites of various denominations in the Jian Pavilion. If they escaped safely, Jianshan Villa would be annihilated by the disaster that day.

     He believes that Xue Yunche will have some scruples, at least for Tianjian Villa, he can't be without feelings.

     Sure enough, when he heard Xue Yuntian's words, Xue Yun Che's eyes glanced over a thoughtful color.

     If he let them go, he might destroy Tianjian Mountain Villa, which he didn't want to see.

     Seeing that Xue Yunche didn't move, Tian Xuan Daoist couldn't help hurrying.

     "Your Excellency does not understand what is righteousness and what is a bar?"

     He accused Xue Yunche of hesitating at such a critical moment, making him unable to leave this place that made him uneasy immediately.

     Naturally, he would not admit that he was timid, and at the same time, he did not want to let go of Tianjian Mountain Villa, so he would let Xue Yunche choose Dayi first.

     "All of our lives are in your hands! You can't hesitate!"

     "You are not in Tianjian Mountain Villa now, why should you consider their life and death?"

     "If the son is willing, our denomination can take you in."

     Everyone said in a word, I want to persuade Xue Yunche to open the sword pavilion quickly.

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