The Little Angelic Demon

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Hazel smiled, she was watching a movie with her boyfriend. The two were sitting on a couch they had picked up and fixed. The small apartment they were in was full of things like that. Once, Hazel had seen a small box on the side of the road and opened it to find three little kittens. Neither could leave the kittens, so they brought them home.

The couple were sitting closely, the female was more or less an attachment to the larger male's side. Frank's arm was also around Hazel's shoulders, ensuring that she was there and safe.

Hazel giggled when one of the little kittens tried to jump onto her lap. Frank smiled at the little kitten and picked it up. He put the little girl kitten in Hazel's hands. The little creature made the smallest little 'mew' sound, then purred, nuzzling the child of Pluto's hand.

"Look at this cutie, Frank." Hazel whispered, smiling happily between her boyfriend and the little kitten in her hands. Frank, in response, giggled quietly. Soon, the little kitten jumped down to go play with her siblings.

After the little kitten left, Hazel shuffled closer to Frank, which was impossible, but she did so anyway. Frank put his arm around her again, and smiled contently.

"How is your side of the battle?" Hazel asked. Without a simple thought, Frank's arm tensed slightly. He was subconsciously readying to defend his girlfriend, despite them being alone in the room.

"We think we've found something, Haze. Something big." Frank told her. "We think that we've found proof that there's an actual demon heir."

Hazel gasped quietly. "How? He's hidden so well."

"I don't know, Hazel. You should warn him and the others." Frank told her. "I suggest you tell them as soon as you can. I don't want anyone to get hurt."

Hazel nodded, and kissed him quickly before sighing in content and slight stress. She then closed her eyes, her head resting on Frank's shoulder. Soon, she fell asleep.


I sent out a small call for any one of Percy's close circle of non-demigodly supernaturals. Since it was closer to darkness, multiple responded, and more appeared little time after.

"What is it Hazel?" Percy asked me.

"They're close to finding you, Percy. Frank told me. You have to be careful." I informed him. His face turned into a mask of seriousness. The realm where we all met morphed into a meeting room. Thalia appeared just in time to look like she was sitting in one of the chairs.

"So, serious stuff, huh?" she asked. Thalia was a rogue angel, she deemed the angelic side too "preppy" for her. So she went to the demons, and told them that she was neutral.  She really was, she shared information when she thought was a "life or death situation."

"Yeah. About how quickly do you think they're gonna find me, Thals?" Percy asked. We all sat down around the pool table. The room was exactly like the one from Camp Half-Blood.

"Hmm. Spies or no?" Thalia asked. Percy shrugged.

"Which ever seems like what they're doing right now."

Thalia stared into space, thinking. She then spoke up, "I think it'll take about a day or two if you're not careful. Without inside help."

"I can ask Frank if he can get help." I offered.

"Yeah. Please do, Hazel. Thank you." Percy nodded. I smiled at him.

"So, any other news from Frank?" Thalia asked. I shook my head.

"Frank and I found these little kittens. We still have them in our little apartment." I reported. This brought smiles around the table.

"How many, Hazel?" Leo asked.

"Three. They're the cutest little things!" I gushed. Percy cracked a smile, but frowned a little. He then glanced at Thalia.

"Percy, what's wrong?" I asked gently, quietly. I was close to him, but everyone heard.

Percy sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. He then groaned, "I hate you, Thalia."

"What did I do?" Thalia asked, raising her hands. He shot a glare at her.

"You could have told me, you know." Percy muttered.

"Are you going to tell us what she didn't tell you?" Nico rolled his eyes. He then leveled his eyes with all of the demons, me, Nico, Leo, and a person that I only knew through the demon circle, who was called Alex.

"Frank's not the only angel in the Seven." Percy informed.

"Who?" Nico asked, while Thalia smirked.

"Isn't it obvious? Annabeth, duh." Thalia cut in. That brought looks of surprise and confusion.

"But you've known her since she was seven! Shouldn't you have known?" Leo asked, brows furrowed.

"She did. She does." Percy shot, while also shooting Thalia another glare.

"Well, I'm sorry! I was protecting her. She's practically my little sister. I promised to not tell anyone unless it was an actual life-or-death situation." Thalia defended herself, keeping her hands raised.

"Anyway, we should get going. Annie's going to get upset or worried if I'm gone for too long." Percy said, fading away. We nodded, and I woke.


Hazel woke slightly to find that they had moved to the bed. She sighed and smiled, wrapping her arms around Frank, who was reading a book. Frank smiled at Hazel.

"Did you warn them?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. There's also news, Frank. Our Heir is with an angel." Hazel quietly responded.

"Who did you find?" Frank asked, still smiling at Hazel.

"If I told you, you'd know who he is!" Hazel giggled. "I'll tell you. But you can't tell anyone, okay?"

"I promise I won't tell anyone. I haven't told anyone about you." Frank confessed. Hazel sighed, slightly less stressed, and tightened her arms around Frank's chest.

"We know about Annabeth. She's with Percy."

"Percy's him? I did not expect that. He hides really well." Frank commented, his brows rising. Hazel giggled.

"I'm guessing they know me?" Frank asked. Hazel nodded.

"Of course. I can't lie to them." Hazel explained, burrowing her face into Frank's shoulder.

No other words were exchanged, they just lied there, content in each other's presence.

EDIT: Changed Piper to Leo. You'll know why later....prob much later lol. But I'll tell u now. Piper is human.

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