The End

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"Annie," I whispered.

"Don't call me Annie." came her immediate response. I laughed, and she smiled, rolling her eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Drawing." she answered.

"Can I see?"

"No," Annabeth giggled, turning to me. I pouted, and crawled over to her on the bed. I pretty much threw myself over her.

"Percy! Get off!" she kept giggling.

"No." I grinned.

"Please?" Annabeth asked, turning her head to look at me. We were perpendicular to each other. See? I know big words! Perpendicular! I learned big words, like Annie told me!

"Okay." Once off, I fell to lay parallel to her. More big words! Even better, they were math words, which makes them more impressive.

"What's got you so happy?" Annabeth asked, still trying to stop giggling.

"I can use big words!" I exclaimed, not unlike a child.

"Give me an example, then, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth burst into another fit of giggles.

"Parallel! Perpendicular!" I almost shouted, raising my arms, getting into my childish act.

"Good job! I knew you had more than one brain cell." Annabeth continued to giggle. I pouted at her.

"Meanie." I whined at her. She rolled her eyes, still smiling.

"Who gives you kisses?" she asked, smirking. I pretended to think.

"Mom. Estelle." I counted, acting as if I was thinking hard.

"Me." Annabeth smiled, and kissed me. I grinned happily, and snatched her art book from her. I looked at it, and grinned. It was the beginning of some image. What I could decipher from the circles and lines were dragons. They were fighting, I think, over something in the middle, which was a bunch of lines, circles, and squares.

"I can see the dragons, but what's that in the middle?" I asked, turning my head over to her.

"Don't know yet." Annabeth replied, grabbing the book. I let her.

"So, I got a meeting with the others soon. You wanna do anything until then?" I asked.

"Not really, I'm drawing." Annabeth responded, not looking at me.

"Okay. I'll go get some food." I said, and got up. I grabbed some snacks and basically threw myself back on the bed. Annabeth rolled her eyes at me and my childish behavior.

I, of course, offered her some food, which she accepted. I smiled, watching her draw. Eventually, I fell asleep.


I appeared in the meeting room. I smiled at Frank, who seemed completely confused and awed.

"Hey, Frank. Hey, guys." I greeted. Frank smiled at me. He held Hazel's hand, who was smiling. As more time went by, more of my friends appeared, and pretty soon the room was filled with talking.

"Alright, guys." I said. No one heard me. I sighed.

"HEY!" I yelled. Everyone quieted down. I muttered, "You're all sh!ts."

Frank looked down.

"Except you, Frank, you're an angel and we're honored to have you here." I smiled at Frank. He grinned.

"Anyway, any word on the rumor?" I asked.

"Um." Frank hesitantly raised his hand a little.

"Yeah, Frank?" I asked.

"I went searching, and I found nothing pointing toward a spy." Frank frowned.

"I went searching, too. Nothing about a spy on our side, either." Nico spoke up.

"Maybe this was a ruse to try and scare us." Leo suggested.

"Maybe." I shrugged. "Just...stay cautious."

Everyone nodded, and left. I reflected their actions.


Yes, I know, it's a bad end. I lost ideas, and it felt more like a one-shot book. The rest of the chapters (if added) will be oneshots from this particular AU. Feel free (meaning PLEASE) to give me ideas.

From Scales and Feathers (A Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now