Not a Demon??

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(I'm mainly doing Solangelo/Percabeth now lol. So anyway, this chapter was inspired by a phone call I had with my friend. We were talking about this au, which we co-wrote, before I started rewriting on Wattpad. This version is much farther ahead than the original) (PIC ABOVE SHOWS NICO'S HORNS.)

Will 3rd

Nico and Will were watching a movie, and just cuddling. Although, Nico wouldn't tell you about the cuddling part. Will looked at Nico, who then looked up at his boyfriend.

"Yes, Will?" Nico asked.

"You're really handsome." Will grinned. Nico frowned, blushing, and tilted his face away from Will. The angel frowned, "Don't look away, please, Neeks."

Nico turned his head a little and looked back at Will. Will surged forward and pecked Nico on the lips, then stood up, heading for the fridge.

"What are you doing?" Nico called.

"Hungry? There are left-over McDonald's." Will asked, glancing over his shoulder to look at the demon. To the name of the fast food restaurant, Nico leapt over the couch, using his wings to propel himself into Will.

"Mine!" came Nico's battle cry. Will laughed, and helped pull Nico up. Nico's wings came into contact with Will's hand, and Will stared at the wing.

"Nico, are these, are these little feathers?" Will asked quietly. Nico's brows furrowed in confusion, as he turned his gaze to his wings. Upon close inspection, Nico gasped quietly.

"I-I think that is. That, that would mean that I'm not...I'm not a demon." Nico stuttered.

"Well, I can go ask some people I know, if you want." Will offered.

"If you want to." Nico said.

"Do you want me to?" Will specified. Nico looked a little away and nodded, as if embarrassed by the fact. Will lifted Nico's face and kissed the child of Hades. "I'll be back before lunch, I promise."

"Okay. Don't get hurt." Nico told him. Will saluted teasingly, and headed into their room to get some actual clothes on, since the couple were only in shorts. Nico followed his angelic boyfriend into their room.

"Are you going to let me get dressed?" Will teased.

"Yeah, I'm going to nap while you're gone," Nico informed him. Will smiled and got dressed. He then looked at the sleeping demonic demigod in the bed, and kissed his head. Leaving the apartment, Will grabbed his bag, locking the door.

The angel took out his phone and sent out a text to a friend, who quickly replied. Will nodded, despite the person being unable to see him. Will went over to a private art studio, where he saw a head of red hair.

"Hey, Rachel!" Will greeted. The Oracle grinned, and waved, her other hand hovering over the canvas of paint.

"Hey, Will. Come on, we can talk in a private room." Rachel smiled, putting her paintbrush down. Will nodded and followed her into a room.

"So, what's up?" Rachel asked, sitting down in a spinning chair.

"What kind of astral creature would have demon wings, but with tiny little feathers on them?" Will asked. Rachel thought for a minute, ignoring Will's ADHD causing him to tap his foot on the ground.

"I'm assuming they thought they were a demon?" Rachel asked. Will nodded. The human Oracle smiled at him, "Well, I think you found a necromancer. The type, though, I would have to talk to the astral to know specifics."

"A necromancer?" Will asked, furrowing his brows.

"Yeah, big necromancers can do many things. People think they're the dead people, but they're not entirely restricted to the dead souls. A very large thing that necromancers can do is be able to tell who's a demon, angel, or human. Or astral and non-astral. That's the main thing, though, that they're known for among astrals. So, how in the world did you come across a necromancer?" Rachel explained.

"I have a friend, he thought he was demon, and today we just kinda noticed the little feathers?" Will shrugged.

"Hmm. Sounds like something you would overlook. So, Nico thought he was a demon?" Rachel asked. Will choked on his air.

"How did you-" Will coughed. Rachel rolled her eyes.

"It's all over your face. Besides, you have the smallest little feathers on you. Black. Nico. Honestly, if someone had just thought, it would've been obvious."


"Well, you see, Will, Hades is a Demon King. Most, if not all, of his children are born astrals, mainly demons, though. Hazel, being the first born child of Hades, or Pluto, was the first Heir. Then she died. She was gone until the current Heir was born, and the title was passed to him. Theoretically, if Nico had been demon, or his sister be alive, they would have been Hades' Heir. But they're not, so there's one Heir." Rachel explained slowly. The two continued to talk, Will asking questions, Rachel explaining, for a while. Will looked at his phone after it vibrated. It was a text from Nico, whom they were talking about.

Neeks: about done? im bored

Will smiled, typing back a response

Will: coming. you want food?

Not a moment later, comes the reply.

Neeks: yes, are u crazy?

Will: yup, about you! 😏

Neeks: 😑

Will smiled, and bid goodbye to the redheaded Oracle, who waved, returning to her canvas. Will left the art studio, stopping into a fast food restaurant to grab food. Soon, he was unlocking the door to their apartment.

Nico's head popped out of the bedroom, wet from a shower. His face split in a grin, which made Will smile. Nico came out of the bedroom, with only a towel around his waist.

"Nico! Go put some clothes on!" Will blushed, averting his eyes.

"We're both guys, Will." Nico rolled his eyes, a slight blush creeping on his now scowling face.

"Still, go put something on!" Will pointed to the bedroom. Nico pouted and turned around, heading to the room to put pants on. When he came back out, he went to Will.

"Better?" Nico growled.

"Yes. Thank you." Will said, giving him a Happy Meal, "Anything happen while I was gone?"

"Not really. I mean, some creep did try and get in, but I scared him away." Nico grinned, somewhat evilly.

"What did you do?" Will asked, dragging Nico to the couch, where the two sat and ate the food.

"So, I was just sitting around, and I hear a knock on the door. I go over and see this guy. He strikes up a conversation. I think he was flirting, but I don't know. Then he asks if he could come in. I said no. 'Why not?' he asks.

'Well, I don't like being alone with strangers.' I replied. Then he tries to forcibly let himself in. Kinda like a jerk. Anyway," Nico popped in a nugget, "I just whip out my wings and say, 'You sure you wanna come in?' and his face is priceless. He turned and left so quickly, I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash."

Will smiled and rolled his eyes, "Good job, Neeks. Wanna know what I learned?"

Nico nodded quickly, as if a child eager to learn something.

"So, my source says that you're a necromancer. Can tell who's astral and not." Will said, grinning wildly, "Also can raise the dead."

"Ooh, wanna see if I can raise the dead?" Nico tried to get Will to allow him to use his powers.

"No. Nice try, though." Will laughed. Nico smiled a little at the fact he made him laugh. The two continued to eat, and talk.

CONFLICT WILL ARISE NEXT CHAPTER!! I promise. Just had to, y'know, figure out what the CONFLICT ACTUALLY WAS....

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