An Odd Job

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Please read this before I start with the chapter. I'm so so sorry I took so long to update. I've been really busy and when I wasn't busy I got really sick. I'll spare you the gruesome details but I hope that this super long chapter makes up for it.
Word count: 5272
Warning! Contains mild adult themes!! Hope that's okay!

Leorio sighed, fingers clumsily tapping away at the keyboard as he finished typing out his email. He paused to study his work, making sure it was rid of any typos or poorly chosen grammar. Tapping send, he shut his laptop and leaned back into his chair.

It wasn't long before his phone vibrated in his pocket, pulling him from his tired daze. He flicked open the phone and gazed at the message  before him. It wasn't very elaborate, but it was from Kurapika. It seemed that Kurapika had messaged him.

Can you meet me tomorrow afternoon? Have an odd job from the Hunter's Association that I need your help with.

Leorio hesitated, it was strange for Kurapika to message him, much less ask for his help. Part of Leorio wanted to be angry with the blonde for not keeping in touch but he swallowed his pride and typed out:

Sure, got an address?

The two continued to exchange texts until Leorio grew too weary to continue. He wondered how Kurapika could stay awake at this ungodly hour but dismissed himself nonetheless.

Ima sleep now, you should too.

There was a short pause before Kurapika replied.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

Leorio smiled to himself, just again remembering he'd be reunited with the blonde soon. At the pleasant thoughts, he leaned back, letting his head hit the pillow and within moments he began dozing off.


Leorio huffed, plopping on a park bench with slight irritation. He always made it a point to be punctual but Kurapika was 15 minutes late. He knew his discontentment was partially unreasonable but he just wanted to see the blonde again.

A few more moments passed before the kurta could be seen approaching in the distance. When Kurapika finally arrived, Leorio crosses his arms petulantly, "You're late."

Kurapika chuckled, "Forgive me."

Leorio wanted to remain mad but couldn't. Seeing the blonde with him once again made him inexplicably happy, "Alright. So what's this job?"

"Well. My target is a man suspected of drugging young women at a bar not far from here. I'm suppose to identify and capture him and then alert the authorities."

"Oh, how come the authorities don't handle it directly?" Leorio inquired.

"They suspect he might also be using nen. I assume that if drugging their victims doesn't work then they use force."

"Okay. But where are we going to find a young women?"

"Well I figured it would be a simple disguise-"

"We can't use you as bait!" Leorio interjected.

"Huh? Why not?" Kurapika tilted his head to the side in a questioning manner, seemingly puzzled by the brunette's discomfort.

"W-What if someone does something to you?"

"Leorio..." It wasn't that the blonde didn't appreciate his sentiment, but being a hunter means doing dangerous things and in comparison to a lot of his other goals, this was mere child's play. Still though, he did find Leorio's worry to be rather endearing.

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