A Thanksgiving Flop

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Leorio was panicking, Gon, Killua and Kurapika would be here in an hour and things were NOT going according to plan. He hadn't even started on the mashed potatoes and he'd accidentally burnt the rolls and didn't have time to let any more dough rise. Not to mention that for whatever reason, the carrots refused to soften no matter how long he cooked them. That and he forgot stuffing so he'd still need to make it but it was slowly occurring to him that he'd forgotten to purchase any. At least he had the pie in the fridge, he made that last night.

Currently, he was stirring the corn in pan, panicking. His worry quickly grew tenfold when the doorbell rang, "They're early?!" He dropped the spoon and sped to the door, sweating profusely.

"Hey, Kurapika."

The blonde was at his door, arms folded into each other with a light shiver, his breath a cloud of vapor.

"Hello Leorio. Are you alright? You look uneasy. I apologize for being early, I just figured you could use some help."

"What gave you that idea? I'm doing quite well." Leorio chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Your kitchen is smoking."

Leorio turned, "Aw Damnit!" The taller male darted away, disappearing in the smokey kitchen and leaving Kurapika to let himself in.

The blonde followed curiously behind him, almost laughing at what he saw. Leorio was fuming, "Oh, now the carrots want to cook." He growled, flicking off the burner and stirring blackened carrots. He huffed, setting them on a trivet and turning to the corn he'd been stirring, he went to remove the spoon but then cursed loudly, "God damnit!"


"Sorry." The brunette apologized for his language and then lifted to spoon to show what frustrated him so much. The plastic spoon had melted against the heat of the pan and was now misshapen. Leorio deflated, "I ruined thanksgiving."

The blonde frowned, sympathetic, "It's alright, Leorio. Nobody is perfect. Besides, we still have the turk-"

Kurapika was cut off by the blaring of the smoke detector. Leorio, was not having it. He reached up and practically yanked it off the ceiling, effectively turning it off. Then, he turned and opened the oven, immediately met with a cloud of smoke. Thanksgiving was a disaster.

The kurta didn't even have to ask about the turkey, it was toast. Leorio, after taking it out of the oven and dropping it on the stove, slid off the oven mitts and let his shoulders slump. "I'm sorry."


"I ruined thanksgiving." Leorio groaned solemnly.

The blonde didn't know how to reply to that, he was around enough to consider himself qualified at giving any emotional support or pep talk. He had to try, though. "Leorio..."

The brunette looked at him, face red. Kurapika couldn't tell if it was out of anger or embarrassment. "Leorio. It's okay. I'm sure Gon and Killua are just happy to see you. You've been so busy with med school lately, now you're finally available. They missed you. I missed you. Besides. It's just food anyway. We can go out for dinner tonight."

Leorio sighed, "I guess. I still feel like I disappointed everyone."

Kurapika gently took his hand, brushing his thumb across Leorio's knuckles, "You could never disappoint me, Leorio."

Leorio's eyes widened as a gentler, pinkish hue dusted his cheeks. Unintentionally, he'd begun to lean closer to the blonde. Kurapika reciprocated as though it were second nature. Their lips drew nearer, fingers still intertwined, but just as they grew mere millimeters apart, a knock sounded on the door. They startled apart.

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