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Darkness. Most people fear it, while others embrace it. Evil comes from darkness. Or does it? Is everything pertaining to darkness a symbol of evil? Or is there more hidden in the abyss? A curse. Loneliness. Death. Pain. Can someone escape it? Are they able to have a glimpse of light in them? Or are they subject to fall...and fall...and fa......

"Wake the fuck up."

Slowly, Melody's eyes flutter open as she hears those words again. Those words she hears every time she is needed. She grumbles in pain as the chains that wrap around her arms and legs cut through her skin, dripping blood down her skin. She attempts to lift up her head but can only get a glimpse of the wretched man who stands before her for a second. Her head drops like a sack of rocks. The dirty man grabs her chin and forces her face forward, not caring about the amount of pain she's in. He chuckles and moves off to the side, still holding her jaw, as the main leader walks up to her. Victor smiled as he saw the beautiful girl before him in such a vulnerable state.

"Melody." The leader, Victor, calmly says as he makes his way to her. He waves his hand so that the other greasy man steps back and leaves the room, letting go of her face aggressively, causing her to flinch in pain. The room grows silent for what seems like forever as Victor glares at her, studying her. She hangs there in defeat, unable to do anything. Her pride slowly deflates along with her energy. She can barely speak anymore. She can't even remember how long she has been taken prisoner.

Days? Weeks?

Her thoughts stop as she hears the sound of machines starting up. Her heart begins to pound and race. She knew exactly what the machines did to her. However, she stayed strong. Not just for herself, but for Twilight. She knew Twilight was still searching for her. If she could form a smile right now, she would of. She was a sister to Melody after all. She just prayed Twi would have given up and just left her here to die. She can't imagine having her sister go through this, especially knowing that Melody was a monster.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Melody croaked out. She felt her insides burn like lava pouring throughout her body. The needles throughout her arms and legs filled her with the magic Victor has secretly come to possess. She got a tiny jolt of adrenaline and thrashed the chains around, fighting the excruciating pain going through her. Tears swelled up in her eyes as the pain takes over her. Victor watched as she tried to fight it. Knowing he has won this fight after so long made him grin.

"Interesting. Even after doing this for months, you still have all this fight left in you. How remarkable." Victor smiles, pressing the button he held in his hands, causing the machines to stop. "I wish you would cooperate so I wouldn't have to chain you up like this. Even though the thought of you in chains arouses me so much." Melody tries to catch a good breath, sweat trickling down her forehead. She glares up at the vile man who she hated more than anything. She would love nothing more than to gauge his eyes out with her nails and shove them down his henchmen's throats.

"My experiments on you have given me so much information on the magic that you possess. I have never seen someone have multiple abilities, especially the 4 main elements. A gift that I will soon take away from you and make my own. You have been such an incredible help to all of this Melody." Victor walks over to the computer screens to the right of her and looks over all the information he has on her. Victor's eyes lit up as he reads. He whispered to himself. "Such a shame.." He spins around, facing Melody again. She hung there completely broken. She couldn't believe she actually trusted this man. 

"We still have a long way to go. All the power you have isn't able to be controlled, which is why you wear this crystal." He lifts up the crystal in his hand as Melody continues to ignore him, unable to move. "It somehow imprisons all of your magic and allows you to use a little of its power, unstable but yet usable. Without it, you would simply lose all control and destroy everything and everyone..including yourself. But I want to see more. This dark magic that I force into you will make you the most powerful being in this world. "We" will be powerful." He emphasizes as he holds up her crystal necklace, admiring it as it glows around her neck. Barely noticeable, he sees a tint of black starting to glow at the tip of the crystal, taking over the golden glow it usually emits. His lips curve up into the biggest grin and he slides his hand around her neck, digging his fingers through her hair and snatching it up so her face is brushing against his own.

Eruption ~ Bakugo Katsuki (BNHA x Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now