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"Are you really going to waste away into oblivion? You....are..weak."

Melody opens her eyes, looking around at the darkness that surrounds her. She notices a faint light out in the distance. Curious what is on the other side, she takes a step forward but stops. "Why fight anymore...there's no point."

The angelic voice creeps into her head. "You're pathetic. Unworthy of such power that was bestowed upon you."

Melody looks around, trying to figure out who was talking to her. She ignored the insults, wanting nothing but to drift away into nothingness. The faint light seemed to be drifting closer to her, showing a womanly figure from the distance. Melody stared, not knowing what else to do in this moment. The figure makes it way to her, glowing like an angel sent from the gods. Melody was mesmerized by the beauty and elegance the being showed. She gulped, watching the heavenly woman's lips curl into a frown, her eyes glaring into Melody's. Melody waited for the being to speak, causing the woman to grow angrier by the second.

"You really have nothing to say back to me? You've given up and became so useless to me. It's sad to think we share the same vessel."

Melody clenches her fists, eyeing the being. She turned away, not wanting to deal with her. "It's over...Spirit of Elements." She tries to walk away, but the Spirit quickly raises her hands, causing a fire wall to surround the both of them. Sweat drips from Melody's forehead as the heat increases. It starts to get harder to breath, causing her to start choking. She grabs her neck, trying to take in a breath but it was no use. She falls to her knees, fighting from blacking out. The Spirit floats closer to her, watching the girl struggle.

"Why are you struggling? Don't you want to die? Isn't that what you have been waiting for? Why...fight!" A wave of water flies out of no where and engulfs Melody into a ball of water, floating above the ground. The heat of the flames quickly starts to boil the water, causing it to burn Melody all over herself. 'Damn it...'

The Spirit tilts her head to the side, smiling as she watches Melody struggle. She waves her hand, causing the ground to create small pointed stones. She waves her hand and a couple shoot at Melody and pierce her legs, causing blood to drip down.

"You still fight it! Just give up like you said you would!" Before the Spirit could bring on more, she notices something surround Melody. The water surround her slowly starts to cool down and rotate clockwise. The Spirit lowers her hands, watching as Melody creates a wind orb, surrounding her body to block the other elements from hurting her. The Spirit chuckles, watching Melody fight to live. She waves her hands, causing the fire, water and earth to disappear. Melody slowly floats back down in her wind orb until she lands safely on the ground. She falls to her knees, coughing and yanking the earth spears out of her legs. She glares at the Spirit with evil in her eyes, wanting nothing more than to destroy her. "Is this what you...get off on..Spirit.."

The Spirit floats closer to Melody, daring to get into her face. "You're not ready to give up. You think you are but you really just want an easy fix. Do you not realize what is happening outside of this abyss?"

Melody rips her shirt up, wrapping the wounds on her legs. She tries stand up, wobbling in the process but succeeding. "Who cares what happens. No matter what I do or how I feel, my destiny is to cause despair. Hell, you're the reason my village burned, my family, my friends! The reason why I am forever hunted by people who want you! Not even me! You! You can stand there and look down on me, but I am done being your fucking puppet!"

The Spirit huffs in annoyance, looking at the girl. "My power would kill you if you possess it all. You aren't strong enough...but you can be."

Melody shakes her head, laughing at the Spirit. "I've tried to learn and train but you didn't give me one ounce of help! How the fuck do I grow strong with no help!?"

Eruption ~ Bakugo Katsuki (BNHA x Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now