Qing Qing City

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The trip was long and Melody was already exhausted from sitting still for hours. The city was just as busy as Musutafu. This was going to be hard finding the woman. "So where do we even start?". Melody asked Katsuki, who just looked around. "I have no idea. Let's start walking around. See if we can ask people." They start heading down the sidewalk that's filled with people. They begin asking around, most of the people ignoring them while others laughed at the word magic. They finally find one person who was a little helpful. An older man dressed in a suit. "There's a little shop hidden back in an alleyway down by the subway with a woman who does fortune telling. I heard she's a huge scammer though but she still get's business from the teens who fall for her tricks. That's as close to any magic that I heard of."

Katsuki and Melody both thank the man and head in the direction he pointed to, leading deeper into the city. Melody grabs on to Katsuki's shirt so she doesn't get swept away from the crowd. Why is everyone so busy here? Katsuki scoffs every time she yanks down on his shirt. "You're being a real pain you know. Just come here." He grabs her hand and pulls her close to him, protecting her from the people who wasn't paying attention to where they were walking.  Melody see's the alleyway finally come into view and just as she's about to let go of Katsuki, a stocky man slams right into her and attempts to grab onto her bag. "Hey! Let go!" Melody screamed. Before she could even try to fight him, Katsuki's hands start to crackle with flames and he grabs the mans arms. The man screeches as the flames burn his skin. Katsuki doesn't let go.

"I swear to god if you don't let go of her bag I will burn you to ash!" Katsuki's red eyes burned like his hands. The stocky man cried out and begged for him to let go. Katsuki finally let go and the man ran as fast as he could, letting go of Melody's bag in the process. The crowd of people circled around them, whispering and yelling. Katsuki ignored them and grabbed her hand, leading them into the alleyway and up to the shady door of the shop. "Are you ok?" Melody asks him, seeing as he was still fired up. He huffs and turns to look at her. "You're asking if I'm ok? You're the one who was almost robbed." She laughed. "Yeah well it's just clothes. Nothing important."

Thinking of importance, she slid her hand over her necklace that's tucked beneath her shirt. She sighed and walked over to the door to open it, but it opens on its own. She steps inside and look around to see who opened it. Across the room there was a desk with no one near. A lady walks out from the back and waves her hand, closing the door behind us. Katsuki's eyes grow wide and is looking at the lady in awe. Melody did the same. The lady wasn't an old lady. She looked to be in her early fifties. She was beautiful for her age. She gave them both a smile and waved for them to follow her into the back. She leads them into a small room with a table that has a crystal ball in the middle. They both sit down and she waves the door to close behind her. She sits down and folds her hands together.

"My name is Ambrosina. You traveled far to get here Melody." Bakugo's mouth opens a bit, curious how she knew Melody. He looks over as Melody sits there completely frozen. Her eyes grew big, confused on how someone knew her here. "How the hell does she know who I am?" She thought to herself. Ambrosina laughs and continues to speak. "I know a lot of things about you sweetie. The question is, do you know yourself?" Melody slammed her hands into the table, causing the crystal ball to sway. "Of course I do." Ambrosina leans back and looks over at Katsuki. "Who is this friend of yours?" She slides her hands over to a deck of cards and shuffles them in her hands. Melody eyes her down, knowing she was just toying with them. Before Katsuki could speak, Ambrosina cuts him off.

"You're not as naïve as I thought Melody. You want answers. I am indeed able to grant those to you. But will it affect you? Even I don't know that. Katsuki Bakugo. Such a brave and wild soul to want to tame the beast inside of Melody." Melody grits her teeth. Katsuki watches as Melody mood completely changes from earlier. She was angry. "Shut the fuck up! He doesn't need to know a damn thing." Ambrosina smirks and sets the deck of cards down. "He is already part of this the moment you showed up to this world." Katsuki looks over at them in shock. What the fuck does she mean world? "World? What the fuck does that mean Melody?"

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