"Ice cream & Dresses"

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"Aww but you'll look adorable" James said.

I glared at him.

"I am not wearing a dress" I said.

"Well.." Noah made a tsk sound.

"Too bad you have too" he said with fake remorse.

"I am not and never will wear a dress" I said.

"Why?" Nathan asked.

"I despise them" I said glaring and narrowing my eyes.

"I seriously can't wait to see you with a dress" Noah stated.

"In fact.. Lets go try some on now" Noah said.

I got up and ran away from the table. I hid behind the outside wall of a random store. I stayed there for what felt like forever.

I felt strong bulky arms wrap around me.

"Yo! Guys, I found her!" Frankie yelled carrying me to them.

"Nooo" I yelled. They carried md toward a store with fancy dresses.

"If you don't take me home I'm gonna scream" I said looking Frankie in they eye.

They continued walking towards the store.

"3" I said.


"1" I finished.

I took a big breath a opened my mouth to scream before a hand covered my mouth. I glared at Noah and licked his hand making him retract it and wipe it on his shirt with a disgusted face.

"If we get you ice cream will you let us each choose a dress for you to try on?" James said.

I thought for a second narrowing my eyes at him.

"Um.. Fine" I said.

·30 minutes later·

I sat down eating my chocolate ice cream while my brothers walked off to each pick one dress for me to try on.

At the entrance of the store stood my friends. Again, Dj held the camera and they all gave me a thumbs up.

I laughed before putting a spoon of ice cream in my mouth. My brothers came back and Nathan handed me his dress. I put my ice cream down and went to the changing room.

I changed into the dress and looked in the mirror. It was a deep red dress with a white sweater with silver buttons.

I buttoned up two of the buttons before getting out of the dressing room.

They all looked up from their phones.

I hears squealing. I looked and saw Lisa, Sofia, Ryan, Axel, and Dj cheering.

"Finally we get a memory of you in a dress" Dj said emphasizing the word dress.

I pouted and crossed my arms. I went back into the changing room and changed into James' dress.

It was a royal blue dress.

After awhile I was down to Dominic's dress. I smiled and put it on. It was a long sleeve light baby pink silk dress that reached just above my knees.

I put white leggings under and short white heels. I got out and waited for their reaction.

They all held the same expression.


"Do a little twirl" James said.

"A twirl was not part of the deal" I said with my hands on my waist.

I looked at the front of the store and saw all my friends silently begging for me to do a twirl.

I sighed.

"Fine" I said.

I did a twirl and they all clapped.

"Ok, lets check out and get going. I have to get to work." Dom said breaking the silence.

I went back to the changing room.

I changed back to my normal clothes and gave the dresses to Nathan.

While they checked out, I sat down on the chair in the waiting area. I waited.. And waited.. And waited.. Until I fell asleep.

Few more minutes later I felt myself being lifted up and carried somewhere.

I heard the door slam close and felt the car moving. I moved around trying to get comfortable.

"Shh" a deep voice hushed as they rocked me. I opened my eyes slowly and rubbed them with my fists.

A big hand softly removed them from my eyes. I met gazes with Dom.

"Shh, go back to sleep Bambina" he cooed rocking me. I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep again.

·Tuesday Night·

I woke up at 2am to my phone buzzing.

I sat up and turned on my side lamp. I found a message from an unknown number.

It was a video.

I pressed on it.


"Where is she?" The man said. He hid his identity. I couldn't see who it was.

On the chair, tied up was.. My mom. She's alive. She's still alive..

"I don't know! If i did know I would tell you! I don't give a shit about her! Do whatever you want to her just don't kill me!" My mon yelled.

Tears sprung my eyes. How could she? I've never done anything to make her hate me..

"You hear that little Melanie?" The man faced the camera.

"She doesn't give a shit about what I do to you." He taunted.

A tear leaked from my eyes.

He walked back towards my mom, a raised a gun. He shot her.

I screamed and threw my phone but not before hearing him say

"You're next"

*End of video*

My door banged open. I held my hand over my mouth trying to keep in my sobs.

I started hyperventilating.



"MELANIE!" Nathan shook me.

I looked up and saw my brothers and a bunch of guards. They all held guns. Long guns.

"Whats wrong, Why did you scream?" James said. They all held their guns high and kept their guard.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't blink.


Sry for the short chapter. Pls comment a good number u think I should make chapters for word count. So far the last chapters have been from 1000-1500, so pls comment what you think but lets keep it below 3500. Thx, vote, feel free to comment all of your thoughts and I will try my best to respond. Bye:3

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