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A/N- Real quick, something happened and I'm like.. Confused. So the chapter "Ice cream & Dresses" is uploaded twice but.. It wasn't me. There's like 2 of the same chapter and I don't even know how to do that so I ask a quick favor, if on your account the same chapter is there twice then let me know cuz I need to know if it's only on my account. And if you see that there is 2 of the same chapter pls help me, tell me what to do or give me advise on how to fix it cuz I'm still kinda knew to wattpad. Thx- Kitty. On with the story!:

"She's allergic to Cherry!" James yelled.

"Shit" I heard someone say.

I couldn't breathe and continued coughing blood.

I was picked up.

"Come on, hang in there" Sabrina said.

My throat burned as I forgot how painful it was. I coughed so hard it felt as if I were to throw up. My throat felt raw and my tongue was itchy.

The person carrying me was Dom. Everyone ran to the limo.

"Drive to the hospital!" I heard more yelling and a lot of voices.

Everyone was here..

I coughed and rolled off Dom's lap coughing. I used my arms trying to sit up only for my arms to give out.

I laid on the floor trying to get air into my lungs. I was again picked up.

I faced Dom.

"Breathe Melanie, Calm down where almost there, you're gonna make it" he said.

"HURRY UP SHE CAN'T BREATHE!" Noah yelled at the driver.

The driver sped pass other cars, red lights and swerved to a stop in front of a hospital.

Everyone got out and Dom carried me inside. I'd went limp in his arms as he carried me inside the emergency entrance.

My vision was blurry as I couldn't see straight.

Nurses rushed over with a stretcher. Dom placed me on. My chest moved up and down trying to catch buts if air and my forehead was sweating though I felt cold.

"Sweetie can you hear me?" A nurse said in a rush.

I nodded.

"Can you open your mouth please?" Another asked. They shined a flashlight in my eyes and then in my mouth.

"Ok, stay awake for us, don't close your eyes!" The nurse said.

I coughed and hugged my stomach as the pain in my throat was already to much. My nose was pink and tears made their way down my cheeks.

They rolled me somewhere and into a room. The connected an IV to my arm and put a mask over my mouth and nose and air started to slowly fill my lungs.

My eyes slowly got heavier and heavier until they shut the light out fully.


I'm awake. But.. All I see is black. It's dark. I can't move.

I try to open my eyes but they weigh me down. I feel my my body starting to come in tact. I move my fingers.

I tried to open my eyes again and this time, succeeded.

The light burned my eyes and I immediately closed them groaning.



I heard a bunch of people calling my name and telling me to wake up, but it sounded like a mere echo in my head.

"Bambina" Dom softly said.

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