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I looked at my phone. The video went blank and it went buzzing black and white.

I felt myself being picked up. I immediately tucked my face away into the person's chest.

"Shh Bambina, calm down, sshhhhhh" a voice cooed as I recognized as Dom's voice.

I gripped his shirt with my small hands and tucked my face into his neck. He took a blanket off my bed and put it over me.

He rocked he and hushed me trying to calm me down.

He walked out of the room and to the living room. The guards followed along with the rest of my brothers.

They all lowered their guns. I sniffled quietly trying to hold in my sobs.

Dom sat on the couch with me wrapped around him like a Koala. He shushed me and rocked me until I calmed down and my crying turned into soft hiccups.

I kept my eyes open, everytime I close my eyes, I see it over, and over again.

The way he raised his gun to her head.

The way he pulled the trigger with his index finger.

The look he pulled ad if he could care less.

The sound of the bullet as it echoed through the dimly lit room.

Dom tried to get up but I clung to his shirt, and soon enough he got the hint that I wasn't gonna let go.

So he got up and wrapped me in the soft blanket before carrying me to the kitchen, where he again tried to sit me on the counter but failed to get free of my grasp.

So instead, he held me in one arm and poored a glass of milk in the other.

He held the milk to my mouth motioning for me to drink it.

I shook my head now while hiccuping.

"Bambina, you need to drink something or your throat will be sore from crying" he said.

I sniffled and looked at him with teary eyes. He sighed and put the cup down on the counter before reaching to the cabinets and pulling out a small box of brown powder.


He took a tps of it and stirred it into the white milk. He picked up the glass of milk and held it to my lips.

I sipped on it and my throat immediately cooled off and became smooth again as my hiccups died down.

Halfway through the glass, he removed it and carried me to the living room again.

There sat all my brothers with a bunch of blankets and pillows.

I tucked my face into the crook of Dom's neck as I continued softly sniffling.

He sat down and laid me on his lap with my head resting on his chest.

"Bambina, go back to sleep" Dom said rocking me softly.

I shook my head no as tears found their escape again.

"It's ok, you're safe, I won't let anything happen to you. Go back to sleep, the ball is tomorrow" He cooed.

I put my face on his chest and just laid there. Still. After a while, I hadn't realized that I'd already closed my eyes.. So I let my conscious slip away.

·Wednesday Morning·

"Bambina, wake up" Dom said.

I moved my face to the left trying to get comfy.

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