Practice Makes Perfect

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About a month after their first encounter, Yue and Dylan are good friends. They laugh, bicker, tease each other non-stop! They have become inseparable and everybody knows it. That electrifying feeling when they touch is still there, nevertheless they do not mind... At all! And they never spoke about it again. Ever.

One evening, back at the hotel, they were in the lounge that was reserved for the cast. A nice room with snacks, drinks, chairs, couches, a TV, videogames and such. Everyone used this place to relax after work and Dylan and Yue also went there to rehearse their lines together.

This day they were practicing a fight scene, laughing and joking about how stupid and stubborn Shancai and Daoming Si could be

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This day they were practicing a fight scene, laughing and joking about how stupid and stubborn Shancai and Daoming Si could be. Unexpectedly Dee Hsu, who plays Dylan's sister, comes up to them, she came here looking to grab a tea. She sees them and smiles. She loves these 2 silly individuals. They are so cute together; they have no idea! I can't wait for their kissing scenes! I'm dying to see how they react.

- Hi, children.
- Hi there, jie jie - they both reply.
- What are you doing?
- Practicing a scene for tomorrow.
- You are both so responsible. Have you practiced your kissing scenes yet?
- Uh?! - Both in unison.
- You need to practice! Or do you want your first kiss to happen in public, on the street, with cameras pointing at you. It's embarrassing. If you practice, it will be much easier. Trust me.

They look at each other with wondering eyes, cheeks crimson red, hearts pounding.

- We hadn't thought of that - said Dylan.
- Well, you should have. It's important!
- But people can come in here anytime! - Yue replied with a little panic in her voice.
- Just go to the rooftop. It's nice and quiet. We have access.
- We do? - asked Dylan shrugging his shoulders and looking at Yue to see her reaction.
- Yes. Let's go! - said Dee Hsu.
- Now?! - asked Yue with a trembling voice, not mentally ready for what the woman is suggesting.
- Yes, now, kids! Come on! I'll show you how to get there. You can thank me later. - She winked and waved insistently for them to follow her, a cup of tea in her other hand.

It's impossible to say no to this woman, Yue thought. We might as well do what she says and get it over with. We're actors, what's the big deal.

They took the elevator all the way up. Dee Hsu showed them the door and said:

- Bye bye, kids. Have fuuuun! - with a smirk on her face that could not be wiped!

They were sort of paralyzed, the woman had to rush them and push them out of the elevator...

On the rooftop

On the rooftop

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