Moon of Honey

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It's 5 am. Outside the bedroom the air seems cold, much colder than yesterday. However, inside the bedroom it is nice and warm and cozy.

Dylan and Yue are spooning under the soft, white cotton sheets. The big bed is occupied only on one side by their two bodies. Her hair is so close to his face that he can smell their scent, that intoxicating aroma... He is not fully awake yet, but his mind starts to remember the night before... Her shampoo... He smiles as he starts to wake and pulls his tiny woman even closer...

He recalls the shower they took together, how he shampooed her hair, the way they were laughing and glancing and fondling... So unbelievably comfortable with each other. But then he got shampoo into her eyes and she started pouting and crying like a baby. He remembers washing her face with tenderness and kissing her eyes gently until the booboo was gone. She is the epitome of cuteness; and boy does she melt his heart!

Today she is sleeping in his arms. He cannot even begin to comprehend how this happened. How did he convince her to join him in this crazy adventure? How was he able to persuade her into being part of his life? He does not know. Yet, she is here now, in his embrace.

He cannot resist kissing her hair and her neck, holding her incredibly tight, feeling the warmness of her skin.

She starts wailing in complaint for not letting her sleep. Who is this guy who said he was not a morning person and now he will not let her sleep?

On the other hand, Dylan is restless, how can he sleep next to the woman he loves right there, wearing nothing but white sheets... He is human after all.

Yue is sort of awake by now, his touch and his thoughts are interrupting her sleep.

Dylan feels she is not asleep anymore and puts his hand in her abdomen, giving her goosebumps.

- Are you ok? Does anything hurt? – he whispers tenderly.

- I'm fine – she smiles because she loves how worried he has been about this all night. - But I'm tired.

He decides to go to the bathroom to wash his face and see if maybe he can let her sleep a little longer. He stands up. Yue feels the emptiness he left, and she does not like it. She turns around to feel his warmth on the sheets and peeks with one eye at her husband to see where he is going. He is wearing his birth-suit and nothing else as he gives his back to her to go towards the restroom. Her eyes are wide open now.

Oh. My. Gosh. She puts a pillow on her face. He is so hot! I am married to THAT!!! I slept with THAT! Oh, holy guacamole!!! I can't believe it!!! I slept with his hot self!!! Oh, dear!

She screams under the pillow and kicks the bed again and again out of excitement, repeating those words over and over...

Suddenly, the pillow on her face moves... Panic! It's him... He saw her crazy reaction... He reveals her face and she is completely red, biting her lip, one eye closed, as if trying to hide her shame. He has a puffed-up smile on his face. She is so proud to have snatched him and that makes Dylan very proud too.

- So, I am hot? What else? You can't believe we slept together? – he chuckles. – It won't be the last time, you know? – he winks.

Her heart skips a bit at his last words. Yue puts the pillow back on her face and holds it with her arms.

I am so embarrassed!

- Hey! Don't be! I thought I was the only one who was glad to have snatched the other one... I guess we are even! – he says smiling his big "Yue smile" and moving the pillow again to kiss her on the forehead.

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