When She Realized

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Not long after Dylan's epiphany, they were filming the scene in Ximen's room. That day, he was particularly taken by her, frustrated by the fact that she did not realize how much he cared.

The kiss for the scene was more than expected, more than required. Dylan let it all out there. He was not following the script or the directions. Once he had her there, in front of him, he showed her with that kiss that they were meant to be more than just friends.

- We're done – said the director.

- I'm leaving! – she said and stormed out of the room.

- Where are you going? – He had not finished the sentence that she was gone, visibly mad.

He ran after her, thank goodness for his long legs, and caught up to her.

- Hey! – He said grabbing her arm – What is it? What did I do now?

- You know what you did! What was that kiss?! Are you crazy? I know we are good friends, but THAT! That's not friendship! I can take all the teasing, and flirting and bickering, but there HAS to be a limit to what I let you do.

- I'm... I'm sorry... - he said, very disturbed by her words.

They could hear someone approaching, so he opened the first door on the set and pulled her in.

- What the heck, Dylan!? This is a storage room – she said looking around at all the props.

- Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to take you in here, but we need to talk, and someone was coming.

- Well, talk.

- Listen, I don't know what has gotten into me. I'm sorry. We're friends, very close friends. I shouldn't have taken advantage of our relationship like that.

- Ok, you're forgiven.

She was about to leave, but he could sense she wasn't fine, so he grabbed her hand.

- Wait.

- What? – she asked turning around to face him again.

- Are you still mad?

- It's going to take a while, you know. I need time and space.

- Time and space?! – he asked with a little panic.

- Yes. Please, give me some space, Dylan.

- Why?

- Because I can't even think when we're together. I have to chase away my thoughts because you will know what I'm thinking! It's really difficult.

- I know, I know. And I'm sorry, but it's not something I can control.

- I know it's not your fault. It is what it is. And I need some space to process.

- What does that mean?

- I don't know yet.

Dylan was starting to dread this possible distance. He reached out for Yue's hands and put them between his.

- Listen, I'll give you the space you need. I'll stop flirting with you and teasing you, if that's what you want. But don't ignore me. I need your presence in my life. I need to be there for you. You're my family now. I'm so used to having you with me every day... I just ask, if you care about me, to stay present, please – he pleaded with a tone she had never heard before.

- Of course I care. You know that! I do not plan to stop being friends with you. I'm just a little overwhelmed. And today was the cherry on top. That kiss will be broadcasted all over the world! I hope they edit it!

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