Out In The Open

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Dylan came back and went straight to the studio for his scenes with F4. 

He was happy he had seen his family after a few months, and he wanted to run to Yue to tell her all about it as soon as he finished working. What if she says she needs space again? What if it wasn't enough not to see me 2 days?

He wrote her a message to check her reaction:

D: I'm back.

Y: I'm glad 👏🏻

D: Really?

Y: Yes. 😊

D: Did you miss me?

Y: Yes. Did you?

D: What do you think? 😉

Y: Are you back in the hotel?

D: Yes. Do you want to meet?

Y: YES! 😁

D: Rooftop in 10 minutes?

Y: Sure. 👍🏻

When he arrived, she was already there, the wind moving her dark hair, her cheeks red from the cold.

- Hi – he said.

- Hello, Dylan – she answered with a big smile.

- You seem happy to see me.

- I am, very!

- You don't need space anymore?

- Straightforward, uh?

- You know me. Why beat around the bush?

He was slowly walking towards her while talking. When he got closer, he saw she had brought a comforter, some pillows and a blanket.

- What is that for? – He asked.

- Mmm... Just in case we want to look at the stars together.

She grabbed his hand and took him to the comforter. He was very confused.

- Let's lie down and look up, it's a beautiful night.

- Who are you? Are you the woman who told me to give her some space and time 48 hours ago?

- And you did. It was enough to clear my head. And to make me sick to my stomach.

- What? You were sick?!

- Oh no, I forgot not to think! No, no, I'm fine. I just couldn't eat anything yesterday, my stomach felt... I don't know. Upset.

- Are you ok now? – He asked with a worried tone.

- Yes, yes. I'm going to lie down. It's cold, I want to be under the blanket.

He lay down next to her, looking up to the stars. He wasn't talking or thinking. He just enjoyed being there with her.

- How was your family? – she asked breaking the silence.

- They are great. Very happy to see me so unexpectedly.

- Their gain was my loss.

- What the hell, Shen Yue?! – He said and sat up to look at her straight in the face.

- I missed my friend, so much so that my stomach couldn't handle your absence.

- Really? What does that mean? – he was dumbfounded.

- That we are... remarkably close... friends...

- That's it?

- Yes.

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