When He Realized

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This day they were filming the fountain scene. It was a challenging day for both, but mostly for her.

- I'm going to make you cry, Shancai.
- I know!
- You have to get in there and get the meteor back.
- I know.
- You're gonna get wet and it's cold!
- I KNOW!!! Stop enjoying it so much.

The behind the scenes of this day really show how much he was starting to care about her. Their relationship was navigating in deep waters. They knew how special their connection was, but it wasn't easy. They recognized the serendipity of it all. No one could deny it. Even Angie Chai knew she had hit the jackpot with these 2!

- Look at them! - people commented all the time.

Everyone wanted to film them bickering, laughing, joking...

The moment came when she had to go into the water.

- Jiayou, Shancai!
- Go home, Daoming Si!
- No, I want to see you get in the water!
- I hate you!
- No, you don't.
- Yes, I do - she stated sticking her tongue out and inciting the same reaction from him.

Dylan stayed despite the fact that he could have gone home when he finished filming his part. He joked a lot, but he actually just wanted to be there for her. Just in case she needs me, he thought. Though she didn't hear his thought.

As soon as she placed her feet in the water, he felt his soul drowning. What the hell? He felt the coldness of the water, a gloomy feeling invaded him. She's suffering! How do I get her out of there?! Calm down, Dylan. Calm down. It's just a scene. It's work. She's not actually suffering. Is she? I haven't really dumped her. Dump her? What am I thinking if we're not even together?!

In the water Yue somehow felt how worried he was. I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry, she kept repeating in her mind hoping he could hear her from afar. But he couldn't. He felt her, but he couldn't actually understand her thoughts.

The sight of Darren holding her when she was suffering triggered something inside of Dylan.

I should be the one holding her, not him! I don't want anyone else to console her. I want to be the one who tells her it's all going to be alright. What does this mean? Does it mean I like her? Tsk! I already knew that! I have liked her since the day she electrocuted me with her handshake! That idiot! So? Do I... Do I... Do I LOVE her? Is this love? It can't be. I'm too young to be in love! Or am I? Is there a right age to fall in love? I don't think the heart knows about age... Does it? I need to research this! I know! All those girly magazines they plaster our faces on should be good for something! I bet the answer is there. However, just in case, I'll ask my favorite aunt too... I'm sure she knows.

As soon as Yue came out of the water, he went to her.

- You're happy, right? – she asked.
- No! My heart hurts!

Really? - She asked in her mind.
I don't like to see you suffer.
Really. I wish I could hug you.
Are you stupid?
Hey! Did you forget I'm suffering here?
No, I can feel it.
You can?
I knew you felt it.
You did?
I don't know, I just felt it. And I tried to let you know I was ok.
You idiot! Stop worrying about me when you're the one freezing to death!

She just looked at him and smiled. The thought of him worrying so much about her somehow warmed her heart and she stopped shivering.

They took a selfie together. He wanted to capture that moment, remember the day he realized that this was no joke. On this day he knew she was more than simply a friend or a crush. She was the one. The one he wanted to hold in his arms when she suffered, the one he wanted to be there for during difficult times. Because, love, he comprehended, is more than receiving. Love is longing to give.

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