London, Here We Come

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Dylan and Yue have spent the last 2 days apart, packing and seeing their families.

D: Finally, I can hug you again today. 🤗
Y: How? There are a lot of people at the airport. 😕
D: Not that many at 2 am. Trust me 😉 Did you miss me?
Y: Even if I didn’t want to miss you, my stomach would not let it go. 😅
D: Sorry. 😿
Y: You?
D: My head would not let me either. Nagging headache. 😰
Y: We shouldn’t be apart then, it’s literally sickening! 😆
D: Exactly! 😂

They meet at the airport with the others that are flying out to London. Darren is with them. They check-in and go through customs.

Once inside, Dylan feels the need to hug his fiancé, it’s so hard to say hello without touching her.

He remembers some words from wise Aunt Gemma: “I always use the family restroom at the airport. It’s roomier and cleaner.” That’s it!

Shen Yue is sitting next to him, very sleepy.

Shen Yue! Meet me at the family restroom in 5 minutes.
Please! I can’t take it anymore!

When she arrives, Dylan pulls her in and locks the door. In an instant, she is wrapped in his arms. He needs to feel every ounce of her soul, not letting any space between them. He squeezes her for a few minutes while everything else disappears. This is what he needed, and she needed it too.

With renewed strength, they can now go back to the waiting area where everyone else is. The plane will be boarding soon.

When they get to the plane they realize Yue is alone on the aisle seat of the center row, while Dylan has the window and Darren has the aisle next to Dylan, across from Yue.

The disappointment on the couple's faces cannot be hidden. Sweet Darren intervenes:

- YueYue, take my seat.
- Really?
- Sure, I bet you like him more than I do! - he winks at her pointing at Dylan. - You won’t mind if he snores!
- Thanks, man. We owe you – says Dylan.
- I'll remember that!

It’s a long and night flight. 12.30 hours together on the plane, leaving at 4.25 am and arriving at 10.05 am local time. They are really in need of some sleep since they got none before leaving their homes that night.

Yue has been sleeping for a while cuddled up in the chair. She is so cute and peaceful. Dylan moves her hair and tucks it behind her ear.

She's so tiny, her whole body fits in these awful seats! I cannot find room for my legs anywhere!

He keeps looking at her and he doesn't appreciate that she's so distant. He can't resist the need to hold her near. He lifts the armrest and gently brings her closer to his body. Her head now rests on his chest and he snuggles her in his arms.

This is much better. Why was she sleeping all the way over there when I'm here?

He lays his head on hers and falls asleep as well.

After a couple of hours, he wakes up and stares at his pretty fiancé, they are face to face now and she’s still sleeping. Her face is like a delicious cookie, he wants to eat her all! Again!

There must be something wrong with me. Why does she always look so yummy?

He starts kissing her all over her face, smooching her here and there, never detaching his lips.

She is awake now, grinning and enjoying this path he's drawing on her face with his warm, moist lips.

Is it The Yue Way all over again? She wonders.

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