Chapter 1

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I realized that Genji took McCree to a branded store and said that it was only 3 grand, when in reality it would be around 6-10 grand 😬

McCree's POV
He took a step into the light oh God, he's beautiful "is all of this Genji's doing?." He said with a bit of anger "Yes, it was." He chuckled "now, can you leave?." He asked politely Already? He started pushing me out the door "wai- can you at least tell me your name?." He stopped for a bit "Hanzo, goodbye." And he shut the door, i went back to the front door when I met up with Genji and his parents, who seemed to look hopeless, then Genji asked "do you know his name?." I thought for a bit "is his name Hanzo?." Their faces gleamed up with excitement before Genji gave me a hug "uhh... what's happening?." I was confused "He usually never tells anyone his name, but he told YOU." I was still confused "so? He kicked me out." Genji chuckled "what tone did he use to kick you out? I didn't hear him yelling." I thought for a bit "he asked kind of politely." They seemed even more happier "It means that he wants to see you again." So, I did the first step? That was easy "Great, now let's take you home." Genji and I walked to the same Porche as he was handing me my first pay "so, what are you doing with the money?." He asked happily "Games? A trip? Or even a motorcycle?." I gave a bit of a sad look "no, not close, and how did you know I liked motorcycle?." His face even brighter "then, what are you going to spend it on?." I sighed "my Padre is... sick, and I needed money for some treatment and probably a surgery." Genji's face turned upside down quickly as he took out his phone and spoke in a foreign language (whatever the fuck Swiss language is) then he hung up "we're getting a doctor for your dad." He sniffled as he was driving kind of fast "Genji? Are you alright?." He slowed down a bit "You're so kind McCree, And these are tears of Joy since Hanzo is going to stay with someone like you and will feel like someone else actually cares about him." Am I really nice? If I think about it, I am only 'dating' Hanzo because I needed the money. But if I am going to be his other half, then I have to stop taking the money as soon as possible. We had arrived in front of a library and a pretty blond woman walks to us "Hey Sweetie." She said as she kissed Genji, she turned to me and she gasped "McCree? I haven't seen you in a while. Wait, are you the sick patient? What happened to you?." Genji then told her "it's not him... it's his father." The doctor looked completely shocked as she quickly hopped in the backseat "please drive as fast as you can." She told Genji and he started driving about twice the speed limit. We had arrived at my supposed apartment and it was all dirty and cold "where is he?." The doctor asked and I pointed to his room, she opened the door then started scanning him with a small machine, she then gasped and fell on her knees trying to hug him "I knew this would happen, but he wouldn't listen." I was now even more confused "w-what happened?." I asked with concern "it is... lung cancer" She responded with grievance "can't it be removed doc?." She nodded "yes, but it'll cost at least ten thousand dollars." I don't have that kind of money I was starting to hyperventilate until Genji spoke "what if... I pay it?." I turned to Genji and started tearing up "Genji, you are using way too much money on me. Shouldn't yo-" "it's fine McCree, what If I no longer pay you and will pay for this. Besides, I still have about 200 million dollars left to use and I honestly don't know what to do with it." I hugged him tightly "Thank you." I was still crying and I am pretty sure I was getting his shirt wet. The ambulance came and took my padre away who looked an inch away from death and looked in pain until they injected him with something and he looked relaxed. It was the next day and I decided to pay padre a visit, I knocked on the door before entering and tearing up as I hugged him "it's okay mijo." He hugged me super tight and I forgot how strong he was so the air escaped my lungs. He let go and looked worried "how do you plan on paying this?." I smirked then Genji popped behind me "Hello Mr.Reyes, I am the one covering for the expenses." Padre looked confused "what happened, did he save your life or something?." He asked Genji "in a way, he's basically dating my brother and will make him not fear anything and finally go outside since he hasn't done that in a long while." Padre gave a nod then glared at me "McCree, you're gay?." Shit, I haven't told him "I-I Uhh..." she then smiled and hugged me tightly "nothing to be ashamed of, how long have you been into men for?." I thought "probably since around elementary school I think?." He looked shocked "And you've been closeted this whole time?." I nodded "it was because... i feared what Ma or you would think." He looked down "come on now. Go to your boyfriend's house, I would like to meet him." Me and Genji looked at each other and had a mental conversation is it better if he doesn't know the situation? Then the nurses came and told us that we had to leave for a bit "alright, see ya padre." He waved back and Genji drove us to his house.

No it is not McGenji, it's just a setup.

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