Chapter 5

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Can we please ignore that Jesse saw Genji dragging Hanzo part?

McCree's POV
When I had seen the airport entrance I saw Genji outside of a limousine, and he also seemed to take notice of me so he waved in my direction "Hey McCree." He said and I saluted back
"Bob, Can you please take McCree's motorcycle back to the estate?." What appeared to be the driver got out of the limo, nodded and took my motorcycle. "Great, let's get in." Genji said enthusiastically so I went with it, him going to the drivers seat, I took the back seat only to be met up with Hanzo, his parents and two other intimidating bodyguards, I took my seat next to Hanzo and he awkwardly shifted a bit, with me apologizing quietly. "So McCree." His mother started talking "How are things going for you?." I thought for a moment "besides my father's situation, it's been going great actually." She had a small frown "sorry to hear about that." Then she gave a smile to Hanzo "Hanzo, my baby boy." His face turned red, and he groaned in embarrassment "I hope you behave and show your boyfriend the best spots in Hanamura." He groaned again "he is not my boyfriend, and what about Genji? Shouldn't you tell him that?." She gave a chuckle "He already knows what will happen when he doesn't behave." This got a bit awkward as she gave Hanzo small kisses, I wish that was me kissing him like that... or having a mother at all. "We're here." His father said "Hanzo, Genji? Will you please get out of the car?." Hanzo nodded and Genji swiftly got out, now leaving me with his parents and bodyguards "McCree... both of my kids want privacy from the guards, and you will be our safest bet, here." He handed me a small plastic gun "it isn't intended to kill, but it'll knock them out if you aim at the head, please take care of them... safe travels." The bodyguard opened the door and gestured me out, while Hanzo was struggling with  what seemed to be his luggage, he couldn't carry it and I, the cocky person who I am decided to help him and carried the luggage upwards with ease "I'll take it if you don't mind." He seemed adorable since he pouted from his face being red.

Once the luggage was on the small private plane, Genji was enthusiastic of being next to the pilot and we could hear him making all sorts of conversations with the poor guy, while I noticed that Hanzo was a bit scared and slightly shaking, I wanted to reassure him since that's the least I could do "hey Han? It's okay... if it helps ya, I used to distract myself maybe you should try that." He gave a slight nod and pressed a button that took out a hidden TV. The plane had started moving while we were in our seats (it's more like a couch with seat belts) Hanzo hugged me tighly and buried his face onto my chest, I somewhat knew what he was feeling so I hugged him back while trying to ignore the boner he gave me. After a short while he let go, but his hand slightly carried my hard one, and his face was a deep red and he was now having a slight panic "Do ya like it?." I asked teasingly and he slapped me slightly "ow" I said more of a moan and he slapped me hard this time, "okay Jeez, I'm sorry." I rubbed my cheek while he was still panicking "c'mon, it wasn't that big of a deal." I tried comforting him a bit "I am over that, it's just the nauseating feelin-." He passed out on my lap, probably from his heart speeding up too much (I think that's a thing). For the rest of the way, Hanzo was asleep on my lap and we had finally arrived "hey Darlin, time to wake up." His head turned in my privates and I started to get hard so I tried to get him up to avoid any awkwardness. It was starting to get pretty late so we decided to get some dinner at a 'casual' restaurant that mainly served noodles. Genji finished his food quickly and left to get a rental car nearby so it was me and Hanzo again, while I was eating like a slob, people from the restaurant were giving me looks, and so did Hanzo, but his glances were different than the others.

Genji had rented out a Mini Cooper mainly because of his small size ;) we made conversations during the way until we had arrived at a giant house (a vacation home) I looked at it in awe, and so did Genji despite him literally able to own the country. It was getting late so we decided to crash for the night, I took off my pants and shirt and slept in my bare boxers. *crash* I heard the window break from downstairs, so I took the small gun and decided to walk quietly around the second floor "nice boxers McCree." Genji whispered and I barely jolted upwards "Hanzo doesn't need to know this." He said seriously and I nodded in agreement, he took out three shurikens and we started heading downstairs "there seems to be five of them Genji." I quietly whispered to Genji "you be the distraction." I told Genji and he smiled "sure thing." He went to the kitchen (the bad people are in the living room) and dropped a glass cup, and I heard all their footsteps scurry to the noise, Genji was already hidden so it was my chance "IT'S HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH NOON... DRAW." *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* they all stood still for a momebt before collapsing, luckily they weren't dead since I could already hear some police alarms in a distance, there were quiet footsteps coming down the stairs and Hanzo revealed himself and was horrified from the scene and started yelling and crying "Hanzo, it's okay... they aren't dead." Genji walked towards us "you two should get some sleep... I'll handle the authorities." He told us before going outside, I slowly walked the traumatized Hanzo up the stairs and laid him in his bed "can you... sleep here?." He nudged at my boxers and saw my bare ass, but no reaction? "I guess I will." I laid in bed next to him qand he scooted a bit towards me, and we quickly fell asleep

Genji's POV
after an hour of handling the authorities, they finally left so I went back upstairs to fall back sleep, I noticed that McCree's room was left open so I tried to close it but to no avail, he wasn't there. I checked in Hanzo's room and there they were, Hanzo laying on top of McCree's bare chest this yaoi. I sighed in content for my brother before going back to my bed and falling asleep.

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