Chapter 6

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Hanzo's POV
I woke up to a warm yet firm pillow, it was comfortable so I nuzzled more against it. That is until the so called pillow shifted and I took notice that it was Jesse's hairy chest "mornin Darlin." He said suddenly yet quietly "AAH!!!." I punched him in the face and he went unconscious. Oh shit, what have I done, I checked his pulse but he was breathing thank God. I wanted Genji to help me out with this so I headed to his room, I poked his face "Genji, psst. Can you help me out?." He shifted tiredly "oh no, did you two not use protection?." He asked me and I looked a bit shocked "what?." He gave a slight grin "I saw the way you two slept together so I figured something might have happpene- uggh." I punched him too and he also went unconscious what if I just let them wake up. An hour passes and I was watching TV, both Genji and Jesse were walking down the stairs "I had this wierd dream in which Hanzo punched me in the face." Jesse said tiredly and I panicked "I was going to say the same." Genji replied back, then the two gazed at me. Jesse chuckles "what a coincidence, Hanzo would never punch us." Jesse said while laughing while Genji seemed to agree. Wow, what a pair of idiots.

It was around three PM and the fireworks were going to start in about three hours, Genji wanted me and Jesse to go to the arcade for a bit before the festival so we had to start getting ready. I took my dark blue Yukata (I think that's what it is called) and fixed my hair in a traditional manner. Genji had his Neon green and orange Yucata and i just made fun of him for looking like a carrot "Where is Jesse? I am pretty sure his American style doesn'trequire much time to fix." I asked Genji and he just smiled at me "Don't be so sure about that brother." All in the while, his door opened and he walked down with a dark red Yukata, he didn't exactly wore it right since part of his chest showed "nobody wants to see that." I said sounding a bit mad as I walked over to fix it "I know you do." He said teasingly, I gave a slight chuckle before making him fall to the floor by pulling down the strings harshly "there, you are ready." He pouted a bit after he got up "no need to be so mean." I turned around "what is that?." There was a bump under his Yukata on his hip, I felt it and took it out, it was a plastic gun "y-you have this?." Memories came passing by my head as I was having a mental breakdown. Genji and Jesse were trying to comfort me, until Genji left the room "sorry about this darlin." He leaned in and gave me a tight hug, I shortly calmed down and relaxed "I'm pretty sure you needed this more than I did." I said and caused him to chuckle, then Genji walked to the room "oh, you're alright... let's head out." We walked out the door and went to the car to head to the arcade. We played a few games on the arcade until it was about five thirty and we decided to pick our spot. Me and Genji know a perfect spot where no one was around and we could see the fireworks at a good angle, plus it wasn't too far from the other stores so we could grab some snacks while waiting "I am a bit hungry, I'll go get some snacks for us." Genji said, then I looked at the time "but it's going to start any minute." But Genji had already left, leaving only me and Jesse. We were having small conversations until the first firework popped and scared the life out of me, each popping reminded me of a painful memory of a school shooting. (I don't want to go into detail since school shootings are terrifying). I tried covering my ears and closing my eyes tightly, while also screaming from time to time. That is until I felt comfort by a hand carrying my cheek and Jesse planting a kiss on my lips, I was now completely relaxed and could now hear the cheers from the crowd and enjoyed the popping sounds from the fireworks as I held Jesse's hand tightly.

Genji's POV
"I didn't actually leave for snacks since I already had them and just hid them under my yukata. So I instead went behind a bush, boticed that Hanzo was having a panic attack, but McCree quickly noticed and his eyes were darting around the area to think of something. He was now smooth with his movement, proceded to cup his hand on Hanzo's cheek, and landed a kiss that lasted for two quick seconds. They held hands and it was the most adorable thing happening" I explained to Angela on the phone while she squealed back "anyways, I gotta get back to them, see you." I hung up the phone then walked over to Hanzo and Jesse "hey, so I brought some snacks... here they are." As I was dropping the snacks, Hanzo quickly let his hand retract from McCree, who McCree had a saddened and disappointed look on his face as if someone took away his favorite toy. The rest of the night was mostly awkward silence and I had to pretend to not know what went on.

Jesse's POV
We had arrived home and took our showers, Hanzo gestured me to come into his room before. When I walked in, he shut the door quietly "what was that for?." He looked a bit mad "s-sorry but ya were basically asking for it." That was the wrong thing to say since Hamzo was even more pissed "in what world does having panick attacks mean give me a kis-mm." I gave him a passionate kiss that was set to calm him down, it went on for about a minute "that was uncalled for." He said shocked "you literally said 'give me a kiss' so I went in for it." His face was now red and he shoved me out of the room, then shut the door closed. Haha... he liked it.

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