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Jared woke me up at 7 am the following day. My head hurts, although I didn't join everyone to drink, the fact that I just don't like mornings explains my side.

"Nikey! Wake up!!!" he announced bouncing on my bed.

"JARED YOU'RE NOT THAT SMALL YOU KNOW THAT, STOP BOUNCING!" I said as I swat his hands blindly. He ignored my annoyed voice. I looked up at him and he was still bouncing.

"I am awake stop bouncing, I think I'm gonna be sick" I said in defeat. "what do you want Jared?" I said sitting up, rubbing my temple with my thumb.

"It's sunday." he said, sitting next to me.


"we need to go to church." he said standing up.

"you've got to be shitting me, Jared." I said, standing up. I don't go to church. Any church that is, I kinda lost everything I believe in that night when everyone I love died.

"I'm sorry but mom and dad wanted to see you and well, they've been bugging me to attend church when I'm off tour" he said, apologizing.

"I don't go to church." I said firmly. Planting my butt on my bed.

"you don't have a choice Nike, it's either that or I'll drag you out." he said.

I grunted, and went to the bathroom to take a long bath. As I remember from the last time I went to church, my mother dress my brother and I in this cute and uncomfortable clothing, just to show off our clothes. I just don't see the whole point of going to church. I decided to wear the only floral dress I feel comfortable in and sneakers. Jared was waiting on the couch in his long sleeve polo that was tucked on the elbow. My let my hair air dry.

"So when will your parents come?" I asked, putting my feet on the coffee table.

"Why are you wearing those?" he said, looking at my shoes.

"what? are you some kind of a fashion guru now?" I asked as I looked down to see he was wearing leather shoes. "should I change it??" I added, standing up. He nodded and I settled on my flats.

"You do know, I don't go to church..." I told him as I sit. He looked at me, his eyes piercing to my soul.

"I know, you don't enjoy this, but at least don't show mom and dad, they' know how they are with religion, I don't enjoy it as much as you do too, trust me but please..." he said, I gave out a deep sigh as I reminisce about my early years here in Arizona, we do spend our Sundays at church, my mother's family is deeply rooted in faith. Well, I just kind of spaced out, through the years I guess. I gave him a nod as the front door swung open.

"Oh honey!" Aunt Carol announced their arrival and gave me hug. "Look at you! All grown up, I just wish Chesby is here to see you, look at you" she added. I flinched when she mentioned my mom's name.
Uncle Phil was in the doorway giving me a wink and a hug. I didn't realize how I miss this guys until now. It's just been too long since my last visit.

"well, come on, Pastor Harris will be glad to see you honey." Aunt Carol said leading me to the family SUV. Jared and I spent the entire ride looking at each other. His parents were asking me about New York and my dad, but Jared helped me find a back up when they ask if my dad's okay with this decision. God, he doesn't even know I'm here.

When we arrived at the chapel, we were welcome by unfamiliar faces, and we were up infront. The Pastor was discussing about how God loves us and made another people for us to be with forever. I almost snorted everytime he say 'god loves us' because clearly he doesn't love me, if ever he did exist.
Jared was nudging my ribs everytime I'm on the verge of standing up to argue with the Pastor. After an hour of hell, Jared's parents lead us to the driveway to meet with the Pastor.

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