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I was currently in the most boring class ever, Geometry. I never noticed before but Calum was in this class with me. You think I might've noticed since he's the one always yelling out the answer to every single question, even when it's wrong.

"Okay class pick a partner for your project you will be working on. Make sure it's soemone you get along with" I groaned in annoyance since I didnt know anyone in this class. I stayed in my seat looking straight ahead at the notes when Calum blocked my view. "Hey partner" he said pulling up a chair next to mine. "Is this your way of asking me to be your partner?" I asked as he smirked back at me. "Well it worked didn't it?" He laughed taking out his notes

"So are you excited for Friday?" He asked referring to the "date" I had with Luke. "Uh yeah I guess so" I answered as he scooted closer to me. "You know were all pretty excited Chloe. We just can't wait to see you. I know Luke's pretty overjoyed about it, as are the rest of the boys" he said his mouth close to my ear. "Oh you are going with us?" I asked playing dumb as if I didn't already know there plot. "Yep. It's a day you won't wanna miss" he said in a low whisper. The bell rang as he stood up and grabbed his books.

"C'mon i'll walk you to your next class" he said grabbing my book bag and slinging it over his shoulder. I didn't object since my back was killing me after all this extra training lately and the fact that I would never see him again after Friday night so why not milk it while I can right?

"Your next class is English right?" He asked as we walked through the halls together. "Yeah, how did you know?" "I know everything about everyone" he shrugged staring straight ahead. I couldn't exactly read his expression but it was somewhere along the lines of amusement and regret.

"Chloe? Calum? What are yall doing?" Luke asked walking in between the two of us. "I was just walking Chloe to class." Calum replied gesturing to my book bag on his shoulder. "Oh well I think I've got it from here" Luke said in a dark voice glaring at Calum. He obeyed and handed Luke my book bag before running off in the opposite direction.

"He's quite the ladies man huh?" He laughed and I nodded. "So about friday, I'm really excited to see you. " he said smiling down at me while we stood outside my classroom door. "I'm excited to see you to." Which wasn't exactly a lie, I was excited to see him, dead that is. Especially after all he's done.

"Good. You better find me during lunch alright?" He said as his eyes turned more blue than before. I nodded in response. He leaned down and pressed his lips against my cheek. "Dont forget okay?" And with that he was gone. Damn, I can really see how every girl falls for him.

I walked into the classroom and took my seat next to Tiffany. "Is there something you wanna explain to me?" She asked smirking.  "Uh no? Unless you wanna give me the homework I forgot to do" I said as she pulled it out from her backpack and put it on my desk.

"I mean the fact that Luke Hemmings just kissed you on the cheek?" She smiled and I rolled my eyes  in response "It was nothing" I lied copying down her answers. "Oh c'mon Chloe tell me" she whined "Okay fine. We have a date friday but it isnt a big deal" I shrugged as she squealed "Chloe he's hot! Don't tell Harry I said that though. But Chloe!  Your first date!" "I'll have you know I had a very lovely date on the playground with Kyle Sanders in 2nd grade" I joked as she smacked my arm. "What was that for!?" "Chloe this is big. Your first date! And the guy is friends with Harry! Double dates all the way!" She smiled. "Wow you're extremely lame"

Tiffany's POV

"Where's Chloe?" Harry asked as we sat at lunch. "She's sitting with Luke today. They have a date friday" I said taking a bite of my sandwich. "What?" "Yep. It's pretty exciting huh?" "Where are they going? What time? When did this happen?" He asked his face full of worry

"Harry I know you see Chloe as your little sister but she's excited for this date. Quit trying to baby her. She'll be fine" I said placing my hand on his shoulder. "No we have to stop her she can't go" he said said his voice rising. "Harry your scaring me what's your deal about Chloe going on this date?" "Look just promise me you won't let her go on this date okay?" He asked taking my hand in his. "Harry I can't promise-" "Tiffany, promise me" he said. "Okay. I promise."

I wasn't exactly sure why he was being so protective of why she was going in this date, but I was gonna find out

Luke's POV

"So Chloe what's your favorite food?" Michael asked her in  round of 21 questions. "I'd have to say pizza" she answered as Michael made a very unmanly sound in response.  "Mine too!" He screamed. "Oh my God no way!" She yelled equally excited. "Yes! I mean it really taught me to love the simple things like it only has three main ingredients. Bread, tomatoes and cheese. Who would've thought those three things would blend so well!" "I say the exact same thing!"

"Okay calm down guys it's just pizza" Calum said rolling his eyes. "Whatever Calum" Chloe said throwing a french fry at him as he picked it up and ate it. "You are so cute Chloe" I said as the table grew silent. "Uh Luke can I talk to you"" Ashton asked pulling me aside

"What do you think your doing?" He asked. "Well I was eating lunch" "I mean with Chloe. Your acting like you to actually have a future together" he said his voice low and full of anger. "Look im sorry it's just she reminds me so much of-" "Of who Alyssa? She's the reason we started this. Luke you can't back out of this deal we have going" "I'm not okay? Just let me enjoy it while it lasts." I said turning to go back to the table when he pulled me back.

"Just remeber I have so much dirt on you. So if you even think about trying to get out of this you'll regret it"


Hey guys!

I know this is pretty short but my laptop isnt working so I had to do this on my phone but im gonna be updating alot these next two weeks and hopefully ill get my laptop to work so ya !!!

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