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"You know the plan right?" Ian asked me as we walked out of the house to the car. "Yes Ian, you've only made me go over it 30 times" I laughed causing him to roll his eyes. "I'm sorry I just want you to be safe okay? I don't know what I would do without you" he said with tearful eyes trying to blink them away. I took his hand in mine and his head turned to meet my eyes, "Ian. I'll be fine. We still have a week till it goes down okay? I've done this many times before so don't be nervous" he nodded hesitantly and backed out of the driveway

Ian is my guardian in the program i'm in and has been for over 7 years. We met when I was 9 after my parents died in a plane crash to see my sick Grandma. My mom and dad were the only family I had since my Grandma died a few days after they did. I was in an orphanage for 8 months when I was given the offer to stay with Ian under the condition I did every job I was told to. I know you're probably thinking I must be a stripper for guys who have weird school girl kinks but thats not what I do.

I kill people. Bad people of course not innocent people, only the ones who deserve it. I'm given names, what they've done, their weaknesses and basically everything about them. I was asked to join the program because of my lack of family and the fact that my parents were the head of the business and trying to give kids like me a home. The business was supposed to be passed on to me but I gave it to Ian since he's basically been my hero since i've been 9. I'm a normal girl who goes to school and has friends but the only difference is my job is to kill people while most girls my age is to wear a paper hat at a burger place.

We pulled into the diner's parking lot where my best friend Tiffany and I always meet when I get back from a "family emergency out of town" aka another job. I opened the Diner's door being greeted by the loud sound of the bell ringing making everyone's head turn to face me. I ignored the stares and headed to Tiffany and Harry's table. "Hey" "Hey hows your Grandma?" Harry asked moving over giving me room to join him in the booth. "She's a lot better now" I said as Tiffany nodded sympathetically "So Chloe, you know Luke, Calum Michael and Ashton, Harry's friends from school right?" Tiffany asked "No I don't know them" I lied remembering looking at their files just a few days earlier. "Oh well they're going to meet us once they get back from their hunting trip which should be soon" Tiffany said looking at her phone for the time. I nodded in response thinking of the steps I had been given to take the four boys down.

We sat and caught up while I patiently waited for my next targets to walk in the door. The difference about this job was that I had known these guys and gone to school with them for years. We never talked or anything but it's still weird to imagine that someone you've known for years could be capable of the things they've done. I knew just how this was gonna play out. They would arrive, sit at the table and Luke, the mastermind, would peak an interest in the target since they have blonde hair and that's always what they go for. Than he would text his friend Calum, The heavy hitter, who would nudge his friend Ashton, the hipster, and see if he agreed in Luke's decision which he always did since he had a lot of anger to get out and didn't care who he took it out on. After Ashton agrees he lets his friend Michael, the ladies man, know by saying something about how nice and blonde the targets hair is. The boys would all wait until I got up which Luke would follow asking to meet him at the diner next friday wearing a nice dress and red lipstick. Which leads into him taking them into the woods with his friends who end up killing the girls. But not this time.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of the the bell loudly ringing once again. I looked to the doorway to see the four boys that i've read about walk into the door with three other girls, Lizbeth, Sara and Becca. Lizbeth was dating Calum, Sara was dating Michael and Ashton was dating Becca. None of them had any idea of what their boyfriends were capable of. Lizbeth was was an average student, was in the marching band, played the flute and laid pretty low. Sara was a straight A student. Also in band, played the trumpet and had been dating Michael for 3 years. Becca usually needed help with algebra so that's how her and Ashton met. She played the saxophone and was just like any other girl at our school, totally infatuated with all four boys, but promised her heart to one.

Tiffany called them over and I noticed Harry shift uncomfortably in the booth. I brushed it off since I had to stay focused in what I needed to do. "Hey guys, Who's your friend?" Sara asked as all the boys eyed me then looked at Luke as if asking for his opinion. "I'm Chloe" I said answering for Tiffany. They told me their names and I acted as if I had absolutely no idea who they were when I actually knew everything. As we ate I could feel Luke's eyes on me all through dinner which was going exactly as planned, this is gonna be alot easier than I thought.

"Hey guys I have curfew so I need to get home. I'll see you at school tomorrow" Tiffany said getting out of the booth with Harry. I looked over at Luke to see him texting on his phone than to Calum who was looking at his too. I then saw Calum nudge Ashton in the side than look at me. His head nodded in agreement before whispering something to Michael. "Chloe your hair is so blonde, is that your natural color?" Michael asked and I could feel a smile form unintentionally. "Yeah, it's natural" I lied which made all the boys smile in unison.

"I'm gonna go pick a song" I said standing up from the booth and walking to the record player thats been here since they built the place. As I flipped through the records I heard footsteps behind me when Luke propped himself against the record player still eyeing my hair. "Good choice" Luke said after I chose a song. "So what are you doing friday of next week?" he asked running his large hand through his hair only to mess it up. "Staying home" "No, you're meeting me here at 7 o'clock, with a nice dress, and red lipstick" he stated. He reached in his back pocket to pull out a pen and paper telling me to write my number down. I did as I was told and handed him back the paper.

We walked back to the table earning smirked from all of the guys. "Luke, what's your obsession with blondes?" Sara asked taking a sip of her Coke. "Something about blondes just drive me crazy" he said winking at me. It took everything inside me not to kill him right there but I forced a smile back in his direction. Hey guys my ride is here. It was nice to meet you all, i'll see you friday Luke" I smiled waving goodbye at all of them

I walked out into the cold autumn night and got into Ian's car. He was looking out the car window straight at Luke's table. His eyes were cold as he stared at him in deep thought. "Are those our guys?" he asked starting the engine still staring at the four boys. I broke my gaze away from Ian to see all four of them looking straight back at me. "Those are our guys"

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