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Chloe's POV

"Ok so for the project we should show how to find the volume for 2D and 3D shapes. Are you even listening?" Calum asked and I looked up from the flower I was doodling all over my notebook. "Uh yeah, that sounds good" I answered not paying much attention. "Look Chloe I know your mind must be full of thoughts of you and Luke's kiss last night but you really need to help with this" "Wait Luke told you?" I can't believe him. I have'nt even told Tiffany yet. "No, but you just did" he said smirking. "So did they ever find out who killed Alyssa?" I asked not realizing what I had said until after it came out. "No it's still a mystery. Luke told you about her? He usually does't ever talk about her to anyone. But I guess it makes sense, you kinda look like her." he said studying my features. "Wow Luke really knows how to kill a first date mood" he said laughing. 

"So they were close right?" I asked as he scoffed "They were inseprable. Im suprised they didńt go to the bathroom together, they were one person and when she died it was like a part of him was gone" he said his voice low. "Luke thinks it's his fault? Even after all these years?" I asked taking advantage in how much Calum was willing to tell. "Yeah, they were fighting because a guy texted her and he thought she was cheating and told her to leave because he didńt want anything to do with her. Then when she was walking home she was murdered, they thought it was Luke but then after how upset he was it was pretty obvious he could never do that. They tried to trace the number who texted her but it was like it was never there. I'm honestly scared for the guy who killed her because Luke will destroy him" he joked trying to figure out an equation. So Alyssa might have cheated on Luke and Luke found out and made her walk home when she was killed. Why did'nt he just tell me that, he's supposed to kill me tommorow

The bell rang signaling for us  to leave to our next class. As we walked I could see Michael a few people ahead of me. I said goodbye to Calum and ran up to Michael who has'nt talked to me since last night. "Michael i've been calling and text- Oh my God what happened?" I asked turning his face towards mine. He had a black eye and a busted lip, it looked like someone jumped him but how could that happen when he drove home with Ashton? "Michael talk to me" I pleaded while he just stared straight ahead. "I said something I should'nt have" he said still not making eye contact. "Is this about last night? Wait did Ashton do this to you?" "Chloe why don't you stop digging ok? You got what every girl in this school wants a date with Luke. Don't push it by assuming things and asking about his dead girlfriend" he snapped pushing past me and into his classroom. 


"Okay are you ready?" Tiffany asked from behind the curtain of the dressing room. "Yes come out your taking forever" I groaned in annoyance. "I can't commit to clothes you know this" she said repeating herself for the millionth time. The curtain was pulled back revealing Tiffany standing in a teal blue dress that had a shimmery design on the upper half and was plain teal on the bottom. "I like it but I feel like there are gonna be so many other people wearing it you know?" I said causing her to groan and shut the curtain once again. 

We walked hopelessly around the mall trying to find a prom dress that I did'nt even have a date to.  "Wait were'nt we just here?" Tiffany asked doing a 360 trying to find out where we were. "I think we were. Let's just look in here" I said getting annoyed with all of the teenage girls trying to find a prom dress like us. 

The store was pretty much empty other than a few customers and workers walking around. The store was painted a dark green and had really cute plants hanging everywhere with incents and records all around the store. In the back of the store was a sign that said "Dresses" in big white letters. As we looked through the rack none of the dresses looked like were from the 21st centuries and had more of a 90's feel to them which only made me want them more. 

Tiffany almost immeadietly picked out hers and ran to the dressing room. I looked through the rack when a bright blue skirt stuck out at me. I pulled it off the rack to see a crop top that had pink, light blue and gold detailing all over it. Since I was'nt having much luck with anything else I decided to at least try it on. Once I put on the skirt I realised it was'nt a normal skirt, instead it was big and puffy and high waisted and went a few inches above my ankles. The shirt was really short but you could'nt tell because the skirt was so high up you could'nt even tell. 

I walked out to see Tiffany wearing the exact same thing except her skirt was dark blue and her top was covered in copper colored sequins. "Oh my God you look-" "Amazing!" she said finishing my sentence as we squealed and unshamefully did a few girly spins. 



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