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Warning theres gonna be lots of POV changes so buckle your seatbelts. im so lame ok just read it


Chloe's POV

"You look beautiful Chloe" Ian said coming up behind me as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a light pink strapless dress that went a few inches above my ankles and black converse since there was going to be alot of running happening. "Thanks Ian" I smiled turning to face him. "Whatever happens know I love you okay? But don't be nervous I don't want to die just yet" I joked trying to lighten the mood. "Chloe, promise me you'll be safe okay? I know your not supposed to call for back up but please call if you need anything alright?" I pulled him in for a hug as he cried into my shoulder. I looked at the clock behind him and saw I only had 10 minutes until I had to meet Luke. "Ian I need to go, but I should be back by tommorow morning ok? Don't wait up for me, i'll text you if I can alright" I said as he nodded

I headed downstairs and grabbed the keys to his car and checked my hair one last time before I left. I threw on a jean jacket since I had to walk from the woods to the diner. I opened the door as the harsh wind hit my face and made my hair blow every which way. I groaned trying to brush it through with my fingers and started the car. I checked my makeup one last time and waved goodbye to Ian before backing out of the driveway. 


I could'nt tell if the drive was 5 hours or 5 seconds (A/N of summer) but that did'nt matter because here I was. Just minutes away from killing 4 people who ive grown to care so much about. I stepped out of the car and placed the keys under the floorboard for morning. I took a deep breath and swung open the diner door as the all to familiar bell went off once again. 

There he was, in the exact booth he said he would be in. He was wearing a tuxedo with his hair styled up as always. I almost wish that I was'nt born into this buisness but that I was just a normal teenage girl going on a date with a guy she liked. Like? Does that even describe how I feel about Luke? Like is so weak and plain and that was definetly not how I felt about Luke. His eyes and the way they gleamed when he talked about something he loved or when he was nervous he would chew on his lip ring or mess with his hands. And how he would run his large hands through his hair only to mess it up even more and everytime he looked at me my heart skipped 10 beats and I had to stop myself from having a heart attack and dying on the spot. I loved everything about him. Love? Did I just use love to describe how I felt about Luke? 

I must've been standing there for awhile because when I was snapped back into reality Luke was waving his hand infront of my face, asking if I was ok. "Yeah, no I was just zoned out I guess" I lied following him to our table. "You look great by the way. I love the choice of shoes" he said gesturing to my worn out converse. "Thanks I thought they were appropriate since i'll be doing alot of running" I replied as he gave me a weird look as if waiting for an explanation. Shit why did I say that? Think Chloe think! "Uh i'll be running through your mind I mean" Wow smooth Chloe, really smooth. 

Luke's POV

"Wait ok, milk came out of his nose?" Chloe asked gasping inbetween breaths. "Yes! Then we had to take him to the hospital because it would'nt come back out!" I said as she started laughing even more than before. "Ok one time in 9th grade before Tiffany and Harry started dating, Harry asked Tiffany if she was sitting in the seat and you wanna know how she answered? She did'nt! All she did was stand there and stare at him I had to pinch her so she could realize what was happening!" she said throwing her head back laughing and I could'nt help but laugh to. Not exactly at the joke but more at her laugh, it was so loud and out there which was definitely not how she was, but it fit her. 

It was weird actually talking to the girl I was on the date with. Usually I just made out with them until we had to leave to meet with the other guys. I like Chloe alot and as much as I did'nt want to take her to the woods and would much rather stay here and tell eachother embarassing stories and watch the sun come out, I knew I could'nt, this is how it was supposed to be. The only thing I could really do is try not to find her and lead the guys away from her, but even then it would'nt be enough. They would find her no matter what I do she has no way of making it out alive tonight unless she works for the FBI and has been training to take us down which is highly unlikely. 

My phone went off for the millionth time that night and I was'nt suprised as to who the text were from. I was 30 minutes late from meeting the boys and they would not stop blowing up my phone about how we were 'off schedule' and I needed to get there ASAP. I mentally groaned before paying for our dinner and stepping out of the booth. I actually felt guilty for once but there was no turning back now, no matter how much I liked her. I put my hand out for her to take, "you ready for part 2?" 

Tiffany's POV

"Hey you know what we should do?" Harry asked as we sat in my room watching Disney movies like we always did on Saturdays. "What should we do?" I asked mocking his actions as he stuck out his tounge before answering. "Let's set up Chloe and Niall, it would be perfect, both of our bestfriends dating!" he said excitedly like a kid who just got candy. "About that" I said getting up off the bed to switch out the movies. 

"Tiffany? Is there something you want to tell me" he said his voice dark and serious. "Well I could'nt really stop Chloe from going on the date with Luke but why does it matter Luke's a nice guy and he really likes-" "Wait you what?!" he yelled his voice rising as he sprung up off of the bed. "Luke and Chloe are probably on the date now, it started at 7" I said looking at the clock that read 8:15. "Tiffany what did I tell you! Not to let her go on this date" he said grabbing his coat and running out of my room. 

I struggled to keep up with him as he ran out of my house grabbing his keys. "Would you like to explain why you are so against this date?" I yelled becoming frustrated with him shutting me out. "Tiffany there's no time I have to go" he said trying to get out of my grip which only tightened. "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!" I yelled as he groaned and picked me up walking out the door. He set me in the passenger side and buckled me against my will before running around the front and starting the car. 

"Harry what the hell is happening and will you slow down!" I screamed over the acclerator but he ignored my request and kept driving the same speed. "Ok, ok, about a year ago Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke all offered me a job in which I help them kill girls how Alyssa was killed. They go for blondes and long hair which is why I asked you to dye your hair, also I really love brunettes but besides the point, when I objected they said if I ever said anything or did anything to interfere with them they would kill you and me so I kept my mouth shut. The reason I did'nt want Chloe to go on the date is because she's there next target" he said and I felt like the world had stopped spinning, I set my friend up with a killer! "You should've told me!" I yelled even though I knew none of this was his fault I just was really out of it right now. "I did'nt want them to kill you! And now they're probably killing your best friend!" he yelled as we pulled into the diner parking lot. 

We raced inside to see it was empty except for a waitress. I quickly ran over to her and asked if she had seen Chloe and Luke. "Yeah they left a few minutes ago you just missed them" she shrugged and I could feel my heart drop to the floor. I started pacing when Harry pushed me out the door and back into the car. "What do we do now?" I asked as tears fell from my eyes and onto my cheeks. "There's only one option" he said taking a sharp turn the opposite way of my house. "And what's that?" I asked scared for the answer. "We go find Chloe"

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