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Chloe's POV

"Hey Chloe can I drive you home?" Luke asked interupting Tiffany and I's conversation. "Uh I don't know I was just gonna walk" I said as Tiffany elbowed me in the ribs. "Chloe, Luke offered to drive you home" she said her eyes digging into mine. "Uh sure that'd be great" I said glaring at Tiffany walking to Luke's car. ''So Chloe, are you ready for Saturday?'' he asked a smirked plastered on his face. I mentally rolled my eyes in disgust and smiled up at him. ''Good. Hey wanna go get a drink I know this really cool coffee shop a few towns over. Its like a 30 minute drive if your up for it" I saw this as an oppurtunity to find out more about him and get coffee with an extremely attractive guy, how could I possibly resist?

We were currently at a small coffee shop that sold tea and coffee. Not any cappicinos or lattes, just tea and coffee, it was cute. "What are your parents like?" he asked taking a sip of his coffee. "Dead" I said laughing bitterly. His eyes grew sad and full of concern which was suprising for someone who killed innocent people. "Oh God i'm so sorry I did'nt know." he said placing his hand on mine. "It's fine, it's been a while since it happened so its not like im not used to it or anything." "Still it sucks having people your close to die." As much as I wanted to ask why he would kill people if he knew it sucked than why would it put people through it, I pushed the question to the back of my mind and tried to find out more about him. 

"Did someone close to you die?" I questioned causing his face to fall and his eyes began to water. I took his hand in the both of mine despite the largeness of it and pulled my face in closer to his. "You can tell me" I whispered and he smiled sadly before drawing his attention back to his coffee cup. "It was 2 years ago,  she was my girlfriend of 3 years. We were so in love, she was absolutely perfect.  We would always talk about how we would spend the rest of our lives together until one day she was at my house and had to leave and I offered to walk her home but she did'nt want me to get sick. She was halfway home when she was murdered. Sometimes I wonder if I would have just walked her home that night if she would still be here, still doing all the stuff we planned to if I had just walked her home." he said tears streaming down his face. 

"Luke you can't blame yourself for something that's out of your hands. When my parents died people would always tell me they were in a better place and I would always wonder how they could be in a better place and go there without me. Then I realized they did'nt go anywhere. They're still here. The memories, everything, its almost like they never left, because they did'nt. Luke I know it hurts and it always will but your just gonna have to learn how to work through that pain okay? Im not gonna lie it does'nt get better with time, but you get used to it and that's the only thing that really keeps me sane." I smiled at him. "What if I said I was'nt sane. That I was passed that point." he answered still not making eyecontact. 

"What do you mean?" I asked even though I knew the answer. I bit my lip in thought as he looked up and smiled. "She used to do that when she was in deep thought" he said gesturing to my lip bitting habit. "What was her name?" "Alyssa. She had blonde hair and blue eyes" he said smiling off in the distance. His eyes met mine again as his smile grew. "Her hair was the same length as yours but alot lighter, also her eyes were'nt as green as yours but beside that yall could be twins. I did'nt realize that until now." his smiled slowly faded and he finished his coffee not letting go of my hand. "Lets go its getting late" 


"I had a good time thank you for the tea" I smiled as he nodded. "I'll walk you to the door" he said opening his door and running around the car to open mine. "I had fun today. Thanks for listening to my sob story" he joked and I nodded my head in response.  He leaned down to my eye level and started to lean in. He pressed his lips against mine, his lip ring cold from the winter night but I did'nt care. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer to me when the pictures of his victims flashed through my mind. I pushed him off of me trying to catch my breath. "Wow that was, really intense" he said his breathing heavy. "Uh yeah look I should get inside. Goodnight Luke" I ran inside the front door and thanked God that Ian would be out with his friends all night. 

I walked down the dark hallway and into my room. I set my bag down on my bed before plopping onto it. I started to doze off when the doorbell rang. I looked at my clock that read 10:17 which was early for Ian to be coming home on a night out. I pushed myself off of the bed and quickly changed into some pajamas. I raced down the hall and to the front door. When I opened it Michael stood there rocking on the heels of his feet. "Hey Michael, whats up?" I asked not wanting to let him in. "Can I come in?" he asked and I mentally groaned before moving out of the way to let him in. 

He started pacing around the living room and kept mumbling about how he should'nt be here. It almost sounded like he was fighting with himself on whether he should leave or stay. "Can I get you anything?" I asked and it looked like he snapped back into reality. "No, are you home alone?" When a serial killer asked if your home alone what do you do? Do you lie and say no or do you say that your expecting someone. I decided to go with the second choice, "My cousin is about to be here why?" "Look we need to talk about Saturday, I know your probably all excited about having a date with Luke but you can't go. Your really cool Chloe and I don't want to see you get hurt." "Michael I have to go on this date" I said sitting on the couch as he groaned in frustration. "Chloe there are plenty of fish in the sea or something like that, you can't go on this date" he said sitting next to me his eyes red and puffy as if he had been crying.

"Michael i'm going to be fine ok? Trust me I know what i'm doing." "Chloe you don't understand you-" The doorbell rang cutting him off. We both stood up and opened the door to see Ashton standing there. "Michael i've been looking everywhere for you." he said sighing in relief. "I need to talk to Chloe" he said taking steps away from Ashton. "No you need to come back to my place." Ashton said his voice low and harsh it even scared me. Michael lowered his head and walking out of my house next to Ashton. Just as they turned to walk to the car Michael ran back up the driveway. "Don't go Chloe, your gonna regret it"


happy new years to everyone! 

warning the next few chapters are gonna be kinda intense so just keep that in mind

anyways thank you guys for all the reads ill try and be more consistant about updating 

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