Chapter 7 Learning Privacy

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Life is perphas after all simply this thing and then the next. We are all of us improvising. We find a careful balance only to discover that gravity or stasis or love or dismay or illness or some other force suddenly tows us in an unexpected direction. We wake up to find that we have changed abruptly in a way that is perculiar and inexplicable. We are constanly adjusting, making it up, feeling our way forward, figuring out how to be and where to go next. We work it out, how to be happy, but sooner or later comes a change-sometimes something small, sometimes everything at once- and we have to start over again, feeling our way back to a provisional state of contentment.

Since Tomas and I didn't meet in the way most couples meet, we kept a lot of things to ourselves, but I did tell my friends a lot of things, somethings I shouldn't have. Privacy is also very important in a LDR, for the simple fact that it's just you and them in y'alls relationship. Keep somethings to yourself. I'm learning that too. Now when someone asks me about Tomas it is just a yeah we are good. Flaunting on social media also isn't a necessity but it is good every now and then. Not everyday and Not every week.

As Tomas and I continued our relationship, although we weren't texting a whole bunch when we did we had plenty to talk about, and plenty of time. We didn't bore each other with the same old conversations of how was your day or what are you doing... we talked as if our lives just as adventurous as they could be. Sometimes I wish I was there with him, right next to him. I wish I could be held in his arms, but I can't right now... and my longing for that is one of the many reasons why I am willing to wait.

Tomas knew a few of my friends but almost all of them knew about him. However I've never met any of his friends. He told me I couldn't meet them unless it was in person. Why? I haven't the slightest idea but, I didn't care. Besides, why do I need to meet his friends now anyways.

Keeping to myself a little in our relationship was healthy. Although I felt like I wanted his attention 24/7 what good would that do. I would just get bored of it and want more.

While On snap I would watch his story and see him and just think to did I manage? How did I manage to meet someone like him. He's so straightforward it worries me sometimes, like I feel as if I'm not forward enough.

Tomas doesn't tell me everything he does, and I honestly don't need to know. Sometimes we talk about random things but that's not why you're reading my book.

The certain things I don't tell my friends are things like true couples would do. Our streaks are personal streaks... streaks you send to each other and no one else if you know what I mean lol. Sometimes things get out of hand though. What I mean by that is, one day Tomas posted on his snap story a picture of him and you could tell he had his shirt off, even though he converted himself with an emoji that picture has no business being on your story where everyone could see it PeriodT. When u told him about it he understood, thankfully... he took it down.

If I take a picture of myself showing any type of skin and I plan on showing anyone, that one person I'll show is him, it's no one else's business. We don't have room or time for jealousy or petty arguments. If I like you and you like me then we should be able to conquer any obstacle. Together.

Just the other day we were joking about having kids, and the conversation got kinda intimate.
Sexy but needed to stay between us lol. I cant wait to move to California and just live with him for the rest of my life. Being able to see and feel him would make me happier than anything else because in a relationship most couples would crumble without physical affection but he's showing me how to love differently than how I usually would try which is making this relationship more lovable and memorable than ever!

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