1. Dick Grayson

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I should be used to patrols with Dick, but each time he manages to do something that is utterly baffling. Most of the time it is something he says that I never expect. By now I shouldn't be surprised by the words that leave his stupidly perfect mouth.

Our patrol was going rather well, nothing seemed to need our attention, an oddly quiet night in Bludhaven. Dick was being his usual chatty and flirty self all while I listened in on the the police radios. It was a miracle that I could concentrate on it at all over what he was going on about. 

"Y/N are you listening?"

"To the radio, yes. To you? Not so much."

He feigned an intense look of extreme offence, mimicking the painting 'The Scream'. He always knew how to make me laugh, especially during times that the pair of us were meant to be concentrating. 

Our earpieces picked up a report of the discovery of a dead body. All amusement had ceased now that there was work to be done. With minimal effort we made our way across the rooftops in leaps and bounds. He had shown me many of the moves he knew from his Flying Graysons days, it had made free running across buildings a lot easier, although I could never match his level of finesse. 

Soon enough the pair of us stood atop a building looking down at the apparent location of the body. The two cops who had called it in were waiting at the entrance for backup. Now was the prime time for us to go in unseen and examine it for ourselves. 

"How do you want to go about this?" 

His eyes didn't leave the building before us, the cogs within his mind were turning, was it worth going in before the police do? Or perhaps it would be best to openly assist them?

"Let's go in first, see what we can find before anyone else gets a look at it." 

I followed his lead as we entered through one of the windows of the apartment of the deceased. The stench was unbelievable, the place a complete mess, signs of drug and alcohol abuse were strewn all across the front room. 


My hand covered my nose in an attempt to lessen the stench of death, Dick however just waltzed around carefully without a care of the assault on our senses. He was probably just showing off... or holding his breath. He entered a different room while I examined the front door, it looked broken, a sign of forced entry and not from the police. Just glancing at the mess of this place would make anyone think he overdosed, but the subtle signs of a struggle that had been cleaned up were clear to the pair of us. Someone had wanted this man dead, but who?


Following Dick's voice I found him standing, arms folded with one hand on his chin as if in deep thought at the sight before him. It was a gloomy looking bedroom, the victim was laying face down upon his messy bed. If the smell wasn't an indication enough the swelling of the corpse was enough to prove that he had been here a while. Clearly no one had missed him and this was only found because a complaint of the bad smell.

"Now I'm no detective of course, but I think this dead body might not be alive anymore." 

Now was one of those times were Dick had said something so incredibly dumb it made me exasperated and amused at the same time. That comment combined with the intense stare at the dead body and the hand gently stroking his chin as if he was in such deep thought deducing whether or not this dead man was actually dead forced a laugh out of me. 

He smirked ever so slightly, always happy to know that I appreciate his ways even during times such as these. 

"Dick... you are literally a crime fighting vigilante detective..."  

"Shh Y/N, I think I'm onto something here." 

Shaking my head slightly, I left him to examine the apparent dead body while I looked for more evidence. 

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