7. Dick Grayson and Jason Todd

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"We have to go!" 

"Wait! I gotta set the charges." 

Gunshots pinged back and forth, missing Nightwing's head by inches. 

"Hey Hood, could you do me a favour and actually cover me! I don't fancy the idea of a bullet in the head." 

More gunshots, this time from Red Hoods' guns, the bullets incapacitating the one that had nearly given Nightwing more than a haircut

"Yeah yeah." 

Their plan hadn't gone down well, mainly because they weren't aware of the other being involved in the investigation. Now they had to blow up the device that had been whirring away and creating some awful poison. 

"Hey is it even a good idea to blow it up?" 

They were huddled behind some makeshift barrier that Jason had pulled in front of the control panel. He was shooting over it, ducking behind when needed, while Dick kneeled at the base of the control panel, setting up a bomb to place on the machine.

"Look, this poison is extremely flammable, it'll burn right up and poof! No more. So don't worry." 

"I'm not, I just don't want the lecture from Batman." 

"Pfft. Oh please, the old man will give us a lecture no matter what we do." 

He would have heard the grunt of agreement from his brother if a shower of gunfire wasn't echoing around them. 

Y/N had swopped in, they liked swooping in, was always fond of using their cape in such a way, constantly spoke about how it made them feel powerful and majestic. Knowing that fact made Jason smirk in amusement every time.

He spotted something in their hand, he couldn't quite make it out under such heavy fire. Y/N took many of them out before they even realised that they were now being picked off from behind. Jason had eased up on firing back, not wanting to hit his ally, despite them trusting his aim entirely. Soon enough they were all knocked out and Y/N had joined them. 

"Oh good, now I can finally get on with this in peace, without the risk of having my head blown off." 

"The odds of that happening are increasing the longer you take..." That earned Jason a swift smack on the arm from Y/N but was completely ignored by Dick.

"And done! Right let's go! We have about two minutes." 

Jason and Dick began to run, but Y/N stayed behind a moment longer. It took them a few seconds to realise, causing a slight panic and confusion to rise within the pair of them.

"Y/N! What are you waiting for!?" 

"I'm coming!" They had quickly caught up with them, Jason had noticed that the box they had in their hands previously was now gone. He didn't really think anything of it as they swiftly ran from the area that was about to be a decently sized bonfire. 

The boom of the explosion rattled their eardrums, but there was something different about it, it wasn't a normal explosion. The three of them had reached a nearby rooftop. Y/N was the first on the roof, beaming while watching the literal fireworks.

Dick and Jason stared in confusion at the spectacle. All three in silence and illuminated by the flashes of light from within the flames. It clicked with Jason what Y/N had in their hands.

"Why did you place fireworks next to the bomb?

"I wanted it to be pretty!" 

They both turned their heads towards their chaotic ally. They had a huge grin on their face, clearly proud of their work. 

Dick mumbled beside them both. It was a wonder they heard him over the noise of the fireworks and approaching sirens. 

"It was supposed to be subtle..." This time it was Jason and Y/N's heads that whipped round to him in disbelief. 

"What on earth is subtle about an explosion?" He shrugged at Jason's words. Still looking on at the flames, as the fire brigade pulled up to put it out.

"Well at least a lot more subtle than this one..." 

Jason simply sighed before slinking off into the night.

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