6. Jason Todd

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"What's wrong Jaybird?" 

Jason was pacing, it had become rather distracting seeing the scowl on his face as he walked back and forth in the same spot for a ridiculous amount of time. At first I had ignored it as he was usually rather angry about something. However, this time he was annoyed and waiting for whoever it was that had annoyed him to return to the Manor. 

"The Replacement is what's wrong." 

I would have sighed if I also wasn't used to that little nickname he had given Tim. He resented but tolerated him. Instead I sat upon one of the many sofas within Wayne Manor trying to focus on the book in my hands instead of the large dorito shaped man pacing before me. 

"He has a name you know..." 

"I know his name, but I like to remind everyone that he is only here as a replacement of me." 

"And you're just a replacement of Dick..." 

He stopped pacing at that point, my eyes didn't leave the words of the pages that I definitely wasn't taking in anymore. I could see his unamused look out the corner of my eye which grew more unamused as a smirk graced my own face. 

Thankfully before he could retaliate the 'Replacement' himself had walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted the fuming form of Jason Todd pointing an accusatory finger at him. 

"You! You little shit!"


I didn't need to look at Tim to know that he knew full well what he had done to piss Jason off. Jason rounded the sofa to stand before Tim, who had now defensively folded his arms. It was now a standoff.

"Yes you! Stop interfering on my work." 

"If your work didn't involve murder then I wouldn't have to interfere." 

Tim was holding his ground, keeping his voice as level as possible in the face of an irritated Jason. Quite frankly I had little interest in hearing another debate on whether or not the scum of Gotham deserve death or not. It always got heated and always ended badly, every time Bruce would join in and Jason would get more and more angry. Overall it's a bad topic of conversation in this household. 

I still had not taken in a single word of the book and yet still pretended to read it as I let out an exaggerated sigh. Jason looked to me for a moment, realising that this was swiftly becoming another argument about the same thing. Instead of arguing further he crossed his arms and attempted to end it before it fully began.

"You're not my favourite person today." 

Tim had a smile play on his lips for a moment. Both knew that Tim wouldn't leave Jason alone during missions. Secretly Jason enjoyed the challenge of one of his brothers interfering, although he would never admit it. 

"I'm not your favourite person on any day." 

"Aww Tim, you're my favourite." 

Finally I looked up at my book, giving the sweetest smile I could. Tim had a smug look on his face and laughed at the offence Jason had taken to my statement. Jason didn't say a word as he rounded the sofa once more before picking me up effortlessly, causing a little squeak of surprise to escape me. 

"No. No no... nope, not having that one bit." 

He was squinting at Tim but my giggle broke him into a smile as he carried me away from an amused Tim Drake. 

"And where do you think you're taking me?" 

That devilish smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, those beautiful green eyes met my own as he finally put me down, the hunger within them making my stomach do a flip. 

"Somewhere I can remind you of one of the reasons why I am your favourite." 

Well, I'm certainly not complaining. 

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