8. Bruce Wayne

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"Alfred what happened?" 

"Master Wayne had a nasty run in with Bane." 

Upon entering the Batcave I was expecting to find Bruce coming back from a patrol in the usual state, tired and slightly battered. This time it was extremely tired and extremely battered. He was trying not to lean his weight onto the elderly man beside him, however that was proving to be difficult. Rushing to his other side I wrapped his arm around my shoulders to assist Alfred in supporting him. 

We guided him to the medical area of the Batcave, as he sat down Alfred grabbed the medical supplies as I removed the cowl and took in his newly forming bruises before helping him remove the rest of his bat suit. 

He cringed with each awkward movement but soon enough he was free from his suit and Alfred was quick to treat the nasty cut on his arm. His body was covered in bruises, which would form into horrific ones in a few days. There were few cuts but the one Alfred was cleaning was the only one that needed stitches. 

Grabbing one of the cloths I began to clean the other cuts upon his torso. Bruce was swaying slightly, clearly exhausted. 

"How are you feeling?" 

A small smile pulled at his lips for a moment before his expression returned to his usual neutral, but tired one. 

"Well, my eyebrows don't hurt." 

"Oh ha ha... I think you should take a few nights off. Let the kids take care of a few patrols for a little while." 

Alfred worked away without uttering a word, or so much as giving any indication that he was even listening, but we all knew that he agreed with me. 

"I can't let Bane think he has won." 

"But he hasn't won, you're still alive, you wont be if you go back out there tomorrow while in this state." 

Alfred had a satisfied smile on his face, he knew that Bruce wouldn't try to argue with me, it was a lost cause especially as I was right and Bruce knew that. Also the fact that he was clearly far too tired and in far too much pain to be bothered to argue. 

Bruce didn't even flinch as Alfred began stitching him up, he had been through this process countless times that they no longer bothered him. Alfred on the other hand had become so skilled at patching him up that he was done within a heart beat. 

"Come on, let's get you to bed. Goodnight Alfred." 

"Goodnight to you both." 

Bruce was not a light man, holding him up to support him was tiring, even more so when you have to take the man up a stupid amount of stairs and down, what sometimes feel like impossibly long corridors, before finally reaching the master bedroom. 

He practically crawled into his bed, extremely carefully. His eyes failing at fighting off sleep, as quietly as possible I readied myself for bed. I thought he was asleep by the time I had laid beside him, until his muffled voice reached my ears. 

"I'm sorry. I was too slow, it wont happen again." 

"Darling you don't have to be sorry. We both know it's an occupational hazard." 

He carefully shuffled over, resting his head in the crook of my neck, nuzzling my skin slightly before planting several soft kisses upon my neck. 

"Still... I shouldn't have let it happen..."   

"Well then, next time be better." 

A small chuckled emerged from the nearly sleeping form followed by a mumble that I only just heard.

"Yes your majesty." With that he was out like a light, the aches and pains would be felt in the morrow. 

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