4. Jason Todd

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Bruce had asked me to be nice in a rather blunt way, Alfred had delicately suggested that I be as nice as I could possibly be. Dick told me that they weren't this concerned about how nice Demonspawn had to be. Quite frankly I'm offended, and now tempted to not 'play nice.'

Alfred's niece was coming over, she apparently knew of the 'family secret' and the others had met her many times before. Replacement had said that she helps out Alfred in the batcave while Batman is out on patrol. 

I was in the lounge, within earshot of the front door. I heard it open and close, and an exchange of greetings between her and Alfred. Now was the time to get this little meeting over and done with. As much as I wanted to spite those warnings of 'be nice' it would be best not to piss Alfred off, and if she is anything like him I probably don't want to piss her off either.

Leaving the lounge I caught sight of her, she was unbelievably beautiful. Just everything about her stunned me into a stare. Any notion of being a prick flew fully out the window, all I wanted to do was be close to her, listen to everything she had to say. 

She looked over to me at that point, making my breath hitch. What the fuck was happening? She smiled causing me to smile. Alfred led her over, thankfully, as I was too stunned to move. 

"Master Todd this is my niece Y/N." 

"I've heard so much about you Jason." 

She held out her hand, annoyingly I sheepishly took it. Where the fuck had my confidence gone? What do I say? How do I be nice and charming? How does Dick do it?

"I look forward to working with you Y/N." 

Okay let go of her hand now Jason... Fuck sake. Alfred said something to excuse himself, I didn't catch what he said, was far too busy taking in every detail I could about Y/N. As Alfred left there was a playful smirk on her face, damn she must have caught me looking her up and down. 

"So how long will you be here Jason?" 

"Oh um." She eyed me as I rubbed the back of my neck. "For a little while at least." 

Her smile widened putting me at ease, did she actually like the idea of me being around? 

"Good, I can get to know you better, directly from you, instead of from your brothers." 

This time I facepalmed, those bastards better not have ruined this for me already. She laughed at my sigh before gently placing her hand on my arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

"Don't worry, they haven't scared me away from you." 

I felt a flutter in my chest at her touch, I seriously need to get it together. I have only known her for two minutes I need to compose myself. 

"I'm surprised they haven't." 

"I judge people for who they are, not based on what people say about them. Can we talk in a little while, it was a long drive." 

"Oh yeah, of course." 

She gave another warm smile of thanks before disappearing down the hall, leaving me standing there, still stunned and rather confused.

"Oh no." 

The sound of fast paced footsteps filled the air, Dick burst through one of the many doors, a concerned look upon his face. 

"What is it? What happened? Who died?" 

"I think I just felt an emotion." 

He facepalmed hard at that. 

"You have GOT to be kidding me." 

More footsteps came running in, Replacement had turned up, cup of coffee in his hand as usual. 

"What happened? Did he scare her away already?" 

This shook me from my stunned state, finally I fully looked at them both, Dick still had his face in his hand. Flipping Tim the bird made him just take a smug sip of his drink, which he nearly choked on when Dick's muffled voice broke through the air. 

"Jason fancies Alfred's niece." 

"Excuse me?" 

We all froze, turning slowly towards Alfred who had chosen now to walk back into the room. Dick started laughing, Tim hid behind his coffee mug and the only thing I could do was give Alfred a big grin in the hopes that he doesn't beat my ass.

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