3. Jason Todd

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Bruce had brought me along for this patrol, this meant that he finally thought I was ready. I had been on patrols before but it had always been a big group of us at a time. Now though it was just myself and Batman. 

The patrol started off as usual, rather quiet, a lot of waiting and listening, then Two Face had decided to rob a bank. The alarm system meant we were able to take out the thugs without worrying about being quiet. GCPD would be here soon but Batman wanted us to take them out before they arrived to avoid any casualties. 

We worked together, Bruce up high in picking them off, I was in the vents in the floor. We managed to take out eight of them before their unconscious bodies were discovered by the rest of the thugs working for Dent. He swiftly eliminated the alarm at that point. Before he didn't seem to care about GCPD or us finding him but now we were here he was mad. Perhaps it was his plan all along to lead Batman here. 

"Y/N I'll handle Dent and those surrounding him, can you handle the rest?" 

"No problem." 

  I would have to be stealthy, and swift. There were five of them huddled together, frantically looking up towards the ceiling for Batman, not knowing that the real threat was me, beneath their feet. Bruce had trained me well, I was fully prepared to jump out at them, taking them by surprise and knocking them all out before they could react. 

Just as I was about to jump up behind my first victim, gunshots filled the air. The sound was deafening, I barely heard Batman call out to me through his earpiece. More gunshots rained down upon the thugs above me, blood spattered through the air, their gasps and cries of pain the last thing they uttered as life drained from them all. I didn't dare move from within my hiding spot, not until the gunman revealed his or herself. 

A small thud of footsteps landing from the rafters above followed shortly after the final man went limp. The familiar confident form of The Red Hood swaggered over, his gun lazily resting on his shoulder as he nudged one of the thugs with his foot, checking that they were truly dead. 

Knowing it was Jason I felt safe once more, a strange feeling to have around a man so quick to kill. Slowly I emerged from the vent, his masked face snapped towards me, I could tell that he was smirking under that damn mask. Very pleased with himself for stealing my takedown, knowing he could tease me about it for months. 

He held his hand out for me to take, as irritated as I was for him stealing my chance to prove myself I still gladly took his hand, accepting his assistance of lifting me out of the floor grate. Before either of us could say a word Batman came storming over, Dent dealt with and most likely unconscious and tied up across the room. 

His eyes scanned the scene before him, pleased to know I was safe and extremely angry at Jason for turning up and killing people. 

"You just killed five men, what do you have to say for yourself!?" 

Bruce's voice went deep, deeper than normal, the type of tone that made it painfully obvious how angry he was. I didn't want to be between another fight about the moral issues of killing criminals. Batman had a point, killing made him as bad as the villains we fight, but Jason had a good point too, they would never hurt anyone else ever again... 

Bruce stared at Jason who maintained his casual and confident composure. He truly did not care that these men were dead. No matter what he says Bruce will be fuming, and probably has his lecture all ready no matter Jason's response.

Jason shrugged. Not a good sign. 


I didn't stifle the laugh quickly enough, Bruce gave me a disappointed stare that screamed 'Don't encourage him.'  We both could tell that Jason had a shit eating grin under that mask, and that fact made me want to laugh more, and just made Bruce that more angry. 

The sounds of sirens getting louder forced Bruce to save the lecture for later. Jason was not going to hang about, he was the only one in the Bat family that GCPD were after. 

"Y/N take Jason back to the Batcave, I'll deal with him there." 

"Ooo, someone is in trouble." 

That earned me a playful shove from Jason and a disappointed sigh from Bruce, as we swiftly exited this mess that The Red Hood had caused. 

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