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┏ 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚓𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚋𝚢 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛┐

He flopped on his bed, muscles aching from the whole day of university. His assignments were pending but all he had wanted to do was to sleep. Staring at the ceiling of his room, he laced his fingers and placed them on his stomach. He had managed to contact all the bands on the list to confirm their place for the music event. Sitting up, he yanked open his bag and took out his phone, flopping on his back once more once he had the device.

Clicking on his messaging application, he texted Adam with a, 'You owe me a meal! That was exhausting!'

Immediately he received a reply with laughing emojis. Even from here, he was sure the pink-haired jerk was laughing at him. 'Hey, you only did a fraction of work I did,' the other man replied after a minute.

In that sense, he was right. Man, Bryan could never do it. Tackling both school and club activities? That was suicide!

And yet, he couldn't help the swell of pride at the fact his best friend could do it. He snorted under his breath, typing out a, 'You still owe me a meal.'

He deserved free food for all that he did. When he received thumbs up, he smiled.

Exiting the chat, he hummed under his breath when he clicked on his Instagram app out of reflex. He hadn't checked in on the people he followed, not that there were many, for today.

Scrolling through and taking in all the fun people were having, mildly jealous and mostly amused, he stopped when Jackson's face flashed in his mind. His stomach tightened. Was MELODY on Instagram?

Should he check?

He searched up MELODY.

Humming under his breath with an eyebrow raised at the number of followers they had gotten, he went through the pictures. Each of them were either promotional pictures for their albums or pictures of their shows. A particular one had him stop scrolling. It was one of Jackson Star. He was sitting on a rock nearby a beach, staring into the lens of the camera with the darkest pair of eyes he had ever seen in his life.

Bryan didn't know what about those eyes that had him staring back. But...his eyes were enchanting, being as dark as it was. Without thinking twice he double-tapped the picture. Scrolling through their feed, he saw that the band had uploaded a new Instagram Story. Clicking on it, the first thing he saw was Jackson's smile, laughing as he had his head tossed back. The lead singer was laughing with him too and the caption of the story was: Drinking with these idiots tonight.

For some reason, that made Bryan chuckle. Something about that was endearing.

Jackson's smile was nice to look at. His laughter was another story. It was just so rich and deep, settling in his mind like liquid honey.

It made him feel all fuzzy inside, like someone was stuffing cotton in him.

Bryan froze as he realised what his thoughts were.

Dropping the phone on his chest, he stared at the ceiling.

What the hell was that?

Sitting up, he took in a deep breath and that was when his skin seemed hot. He touched his cheek, his finger grazing on his face. His phone which had taken a tumble to land in front of him stared at him back.

In the quiet of his room, his heartbeat was loud and thundering against his chest in a way that made him unable to sit still.

Come on, Bryan. Maybe it had been a long time since he was into a band. Or listening to any music that he truly liked. This obsession for MELODY and... for Jackson Star was too sudden. There had to be an explanation for this, right? It couldn't be that just because he had heard him sing and heard him laugh, he was now stuck on Jackson like some—

He shook his head and grabbed for his laptop. No, he would confirm with himself that he wasn't obsessed with the guitarist. Searching up the band on Youtube, he came across their music videos. Even here, they had decent amount of views here. A brief exploration of their page though indicated that they were signed to any record label, which was surprising.

"You would think talent like that would've been snatched up," he muttered to himself as he let his mouse hover at the latest upload from them. A song titled 'Enchantment'.

As he clicked on the song he found, he scrolled through the comments of the video, stopping at one particular comment. He furrowed his eyebrows as he took in the words. With his heart skipping a beat, he snatched his laptop so he could stare at the screen closer.

No way.

No way!

He almost dropped his laptop in haste to put it back on his lap and opened a new tab to search for Jackson Star and the name of the university the comment had said he went to. It didn't take a genius or a detective for him to find Jackson's real personal Facebook account. It wasn't completely private but he didn't have to look far. Just by the picture alone and the fact that he had filled in the field for his education, the comment was right.

Jackson Star, the guitarist of MELODY, went to his university.

And he had been in his radius for a while now.

It was weird how he had never seen him before. Bryan bit his bottom lip, pulling his face away from the screen, his hands clammy all of a sudden. A disbelief laughter escaped his mouth before he took in a deep breath.

Who knew that the man he had suddenly found unable to stop thinking about had been here all this time?

As he clicked back on the tab where the music was playing, he let the song calm his suddenly fast beating heart.

Jackson Star was within his world. And Bryan hadn't noticed him until today.
┏ 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝟶𝟸 ┐

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