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Bryan didn't contemplate if Jackson was jealous or not for long. His mind quickly jumped to the festival and the last minute preparations, anxiety building within him at the mere idea of it. Holding back a suffering sigh, he forced himself to relax once Adam's apartment came into view.

"Do you want to follow me up?" Bryan asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt, ready to get out of the car.

Jackson nodded, a non-verbalised answer as per usual. Tossing a quick smile at the taller man, he got out of the vehicle. Since his car stopped right in front of the building, he had to find parking. Waiting for the taller man didn't even take up to five minutes before the guitarist walked up to him. When they got to Adam's place, Bryan didn't hesitate to knock on the door. It only took three knocks before the door opened, his best friend on the other side with the drive in his hands. His eyes widened when he looked at Jackson.

"Didn't know you were bringing company," Adam said, a smile on his face as he opened the door wider, walking inside.

Bryan took the invite, gesturing Jackson to follow him. "He volunteered to drive me here."

"Ah, shoot," Adam said, running his fingers through his messy, pink hair. "Forgot you don't drive. Could've told me, I would've drove to see you."

Bryan shook his head, holding out his palm when his friend handed the drive over. "It's fine. So, this is the event plans?"

"Yes," Adam said, scratching his right cheek as he neared his coffee table, his laptop opened and surrounding it were papers. "I think that's it. Sorry you have to do this too, Bry. I know it isn't what I promised."

He had to admit, he wanted to complain but seeing his friend now had him sighing. "It's fine. You owe me a big meal for this."

Adam chuckled. "I think I owe you at least ten by now."

Bryan glanced at the papers, nose scrunching a little as he saw numbers and calculations. Adam glanced at his face before he snorted under his breath.

"Your assignments always look like they're written in alien language," Bryan said, shoving the drive into his hoodie pockets.

"Well," Adam said with a shrug before he sat on the couch. He then looked at them both. "Do you want anything to drink, Jackson? This is the first time you came over and..." He gestured to his surroundings. There were a few clothes tossed here and there with empty instant noodle cups littering about. "Sorry about the mess."

"You couldn't have kept it tidy?" Bryan's voice was dry. "I just helped you clean the place up yesterday, Adam."

"Stop nagging at me," Adam said, a whine in his voice as he stood up. He tossed an arm across his shoulders and dragged him close. "You're acting like my mum!"

"No thanks," Jackson said, his voice quiet. "If we're done here, we can leave."

The latter part of his sentence was aimed directly at Bryan. A little awkward at the sudden silence that washed over them, Adam cleared his throat, pulling the shorter male even closer to him.

"Now, what's the hurry?" the pink-haired man said. "We can work on the list together, Bry."

Bryan had to admit that it would be great if he could. He stared at Adam's laptop, hesitating when he saw how tense Jackson was. Looking at the guitarist, he searched his face for any sign he could use to decide.

"It would be easier," Bryan said, a little meekly as he shoved a hand into his hoodie pockets, holding on the drive tight.

Jackson stared at him for a few seconds before he rolled his eyes. "I can leave first then."

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