Dead Man (Anxciet)

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This is set in England because it was inspired by James Bond movies so sorry if it confuses you. Also, they are going to be described differently because I'm trying it out. If you want me to go back then let me know.
I walked over the suspension bridge. A crowd, large enough that even I (with my extensive burn marks) was inconspicuous, flooded the area. The blue sky was bright and blue, something unusual in London but I wouldn't be seeing it for long. I had business to do.

The Tate Modern was a large area with strange exhibitions that easily distracted the public. Such a busy place wouldn't usually be pegged for an underground, top-secret, most-of-the-government-don't-know, spy hideout. That's one of the reasons why the group is so esteemed.

I weaved through the tourists and came into a room of rain, however, sensors in the floor caused a place that someone stepped on to become dry. You would never get wet. It was quite beautiful. I walked around in a specific pattern and saw that one of the mirrors, refracting light and creating rainbows, moved.

I kicked it gently with my foot and was suddenly flying downward into darkness, almost like Alice falling down her rabbit hole.


"Guys... we have company." A man my age with circular glasses and curly hair looked down at me. Someone else with gelled hair and square frames over his face swiftly came over.
"I said for him to take the other entrance but... You, you must be Janus." I dusted myself off as I stood up. The man turned behind him and called out: "Roman? Remus? Janus is here."

Two more men came out looking identical apart from one having a grey streak of hair as well as an unkept moustache. They all stood in front of me, looking at me. We were probably all around the same age and wearing the compulsory black suit, but each of us had a differently coloured tie. Mine was a sophisticated yellow.

"I'm Patton," the curly haired one wore a pastel blue. "That's Logan," He gestured to the one with a midnight blue tie and square frames. "And the two twins are Roman and Remus." Red and green ties.

"Welcome to the best team of spies on this earth." Roman moved his arms out. The group started walking away so I followed.

They walked into an open area with a large computer as well as a table covered in mission plans.
"Weapons to the left, training room to the right."
"Nice place,"
"Only the best for the best." Red tie-Roman continued to brag.
"You said, what makes you so great?"
The other twin cut in here. Patton and Logan had gone to continue whatever they had previously been doing, uninterested in the information that I was about to receive.

"We never mess up, we are quick and we are unknown."
"You must be known after a while."
"Not when you never mess up." Remus sung.
"But the head of MI5 knows us."
"Obviously but no one else. We even have a dead man on our team. Anyone who stumbles upon the list will see it as merely a mistake or a foolish myth."
I looked at the man to see if he was joking

"Wait, what do you mea-"


A manhole was pushed onto the stone ground. The twin in green skipped over and stuck his hand down it.
"We have someone neeewwww." He said in a sing-song voice as he pulled a pale hand, covered by a black sleeve, out of the ground.
"Let's hope he's interesting, you're innuendos are starting to get dull."

I knew that voice.

"You're Dead!"
The figure whipped around to face me and stood there.
"You Asshole! They Said You Were Dead!" I shouted.
He blinked once before replying.
"Me, Asshole?"
He walked to a table and started taking off his suit jacket to reveal two guns on either side of where his ribs would be, both of which he removed.
"Why Didn't You Come Back?"

"Virgil, you know Janus?" Logan, who was at the computer asked. Virgil didn't look up.
"These two have a history!" Roman exclaimed eccentrically but all I could take notice of was the person in front of me.

"Virgil! Why Didn't You Come Back? I Needed You!" The man whipped around to me.
"Don't Act Like I Was The Bad Guy!"
"You Betrayed Me, Letting Me Think You Were Dead!"
"RICH COMING FROM PERSON WHO SHOT ME!" There was silence in the room. We all knew that Virgil would almost never shout. Raise his voice yes, but never shout.

"I... I didn't have a choice." I felt all the guilt crush me, could I even breathe anymore? "If we failed-If-You know the system Virgil, obey orders."
"That information didn't spread because I got it, then you shot me."
"You can't call me that. I told you to wait. I trusted you and I thought you trusted me. I guess I was wrong on both accounts." And he left the room.

The group did not seem happy, having formed a much closer bond to my former mission partner than one with me caused them to have a lot of questions. Angry questions. Once understanding they were less angry and told me to let Virgil cool off. I didn't listen to that, I knew him better then that. He was upset but would want to talk it through as soon as possible, so I went to find him.

"I see bad habits are still hard to break." Virgil was hitting a punch bag but hadn't wrapped his hands causing his knuckles to bleed. He huffed and looked at me.
"What now?"
I grabbed a nearby first aid kit and walked over to him. I pulled him down and tried to get his hands which were being held away from me. After a look he finally caved and I grabbed taking out ointments and white bandages at the same time.
"Fine, give me the silent treatment. Just makes it easier for me to talk. I know that saying sorry doesn't cut it." He laughed humourlessly. "You, of all people, know that you have to do whatever you can for the mission." There was a small silence.
"I just wish you listened to me...You almost killed me. If the angle was a better then I would be dead."
"I know. I was-I wasn't okay, when I thought you were gone." My eyes started to become wet.
"We were closer than friends."
"We were. When your funeral happened, all I could think about was how I never got to tell you. I vowed that I would never let someone be in that situation. I didn't want to have to shoot a partner again so I trained as hard as I could-"
"Jan, slow down. I was angry but I can't stay angry at you for long. You can tell me what you didn't manage to now."

I was quiet before lifting Virgil's chin up and kissing him on his chapped lips, it was only a second until he kissed back. We broke apart panting and I looked at Virgil with nothing but love.
"I'm so glad I didn't die."
"Me too." And our lips connected again.

One day I might want to come back and develop this but today is not that day. I have so many projects that I want to make but I only want to make them if I can guarantee a consistent update schedule which I can't, especially not with school.

Never mind that, I hope you enjoyed this. I liked writing it. I would love feedback. Take care of yourselves.


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