Chapter 1

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~Y/N's point of view.~

It's been ten years. Ten whole years since I've been in Daegu and now, I'm finally going back. I checked my phone to check the time and it was ten thirty-one pm. Since we just left, it was going to take at least three hours to drive there. I honestly don't know if I'm excited to go back to Daegu or if I'm upset that I have to leave Goyang. I looked around the van. Jin had his eyes on the road as he drove us to Daegu while Taehyung, Namjoon and Nayeon were sound asleep, Nayeon's head on my shoulder but I didn't mind. I sighed softly while looking out the window of the van. The dark blue sky almost looked pitch black, but the thousands of tiny shining stars made the night sky glow. Without even realizing I started to drift off to sleep while staring up at the stars. 

Later I felt someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Jin in front of me. "Welcome back to Daegu. Get the others up. I'll start taking all the luggage inside," Jin told me with a small grin before disappearing to the rear end of the van. 

I turned my head to my left side to see Nayeon still sleeping on my shoulder. I gently shook her and she slowly opened her eyes. "Are we here?" she asked while scratching the back of her neck then checking the time. Now, it was one fifty-eight in the morning. Nayeon chuckled softly then added, "Good morning I guess?"

"Good morning to you too," I smiled back then pointed towards Taehyung and Namjoon. "We have to wake them up. Which one are you taking?"

"I'll take this one and you take that one," she said, pointing at Namjoon when she said this one and Taehyung when she said that one. 

I nodded once before going over to Taehyung. I went close to his ear then screamed. "WAKE UP! WE'RE BACK IN DAEGU!"

He shot his eyes wide open with a terrified look on his face. "I can't hear anything! My ears are ringing!" He complained with a pout, still shocked while Namjoon, who just woke up, Nayeon and I laughed at him. 

"We're here. Let's get our stuff in," I told them and went out of the van and towards the rear end. I passed by Jin who was going inside with one of Taehyung's bags over his shoulder.

I pulled my bags out of the van and went towards the house. I left the bags against a wall inside the house before going back out to take more stuff out of the van. 

Eventually we got everything out of the trunk and into the house and now were exploring the new house. 

"Yah Jin, you did good arranging everything," Namjoon commented as we looked around. Jin had come a few days earlier when the moving van came to place everything inside to make the place look nice. 

"Of course I did. And that's hyung to you!" Jin snapped, shooting Namjoon a sharp glare. Namjoon just mocked him and continued to look around. 

The house was kinda small but it was nice. We had a T.V on the wall and two sets of four-seater couches with a small coffee table in the living room. The kitchen was pretty nice too, it wasn't too big nor was it too small. Then I went upstairs. There was one bathroom and four bedrooms but we were only going to use two of them since that's what we were used to. Nayeon and I shared a room while Namjoon, Taehyung and Jin shared a room. I opened the doors of the first two rooms but they were empty. I opened the door to the master bedroom and figured it was the boys' room since there were three beds placed side by side against one of the navy-blue walls. I opened the door to the last room there was to open and found twin beds in each of the far corners of the room.

I went back down and grabbed my bags. "Nayeon I found our room!" I exclaimed as I took my bags upstairs to unpack. 

"Coming!" She shouted back while grabbing her bags and following me upstairs. 

We took turns getting changed in the washroom before we started to unpack. When we did start to unpack though, we didn't quite unpack. Somehow, we ended up falling asleep after putting away like five things. 

I felt a bright light against my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again since I was blinded by the sunlight coming from the windows. "Nayeon close the curtains!" I shouted, assuming it was her since this is her room as well. 

I felt the sunlight lessen so I opened my eyes again to see a smiling Nayeon. "Get up already, we gotta go show Joonie around!" She said excitedly before running off to the bathroom while shouting. "I call the washroom first! Go wake up the boys!"

I sighed as I pushed the blanket off my body and got off the bed. I left the room and burst into the boys' room while screaming. "WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!" and I kept screaming until every single one of them woke up. 

"Y/N you can stop screaming now," Taehyung told me even though Namjoon was clearly still sleeping. 

"NOT 'TIL HE WAKES UP!" I scream and keep screaming, eventually Jin and Taehyung shaking him until he woke up so I would stop screaming. "Ok now I'll leave!" I say happily before skipping back to my room after seeing him awake. 

I went back to my room and saw Nayeon brushing her long brunette hair in front of the standing floor mirror. She was wearing an azure blue jean and a white short-sleeve since it's summer. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I changed into the same coloured jeans and short-sleeve as Nayeon and went out of the washroom while trying to dry my hair with a towel. 

"Ohh! We're matching!" Nayeon cheered with a bright smile, her bunny teeth showing which made her look extra cute. 

"Yes we are! I'm so glad we don't start work until next month," I chuckled as we went downstairs together only to see Jin and Namjoon in the kitchen, Namjoon being yelled at like he always is whenever he's in the kitchen. 

Namjoon ran over and hid behind us. "Remind me to never go in the kitchen again!" he whisper-yelled, still hiding beside Nayeon and me. 

"Where's Taehyung?" Nayeon asked and I just realized we were missing that crackhead. 

"I'm here!" Taehyung yelled while jogging down the stairs. He was wearing black jeans and a black short-sleeved shirt. 

"Did you forget everything you learned in school. Black absorbs light," Namjoon stated, now standing up straight, making Nayeon and I look like tiny children. 

"Did we learn that in school? I don't remember that. Ah whatever I'll be fine!" Taehyung claimed and went into the kitchen. "What's for breakfast?"

"Go eat cereal!" Jin exclaimed with a smile. 

"Jin, the youngest age in this house is 28, which is becoming 29 next month," Namjoon reminded us as if twenty-year olds can't eat cereal. 

"Yah who said we can't eat cereal! I'm the oldest one here and I want to eat cereal!" Jin shouted while glaring at Namjoon. 

"You guys are so annoying. Let's just go eat cereal!" I sighed and went into the kitchen, sitting at the table. 

The four of them came and sat down as well and we started to eat our cereal. Namjoon who was complaining about it was eating the cereal happily. 

After we ate we got up and went into the living room to watch some T.V. 

"Yah Jin, Taehyung. When do you guys start work?" Nayeon asked while we were watching the news. It was mostly about deaths and stuff about Mafias, which isn't very surprising for Daegu. 

"Next week, why?" Taehyung replied, his eyes still fixed on the T.V, probably recalling the time when he and his friend were dealing drugs before we moved to Goyang. 

"Just wondering when Namjoon, Y/N and I will have to be alone at home without you guys," Nayeon said back with a small smile. 

We went back to watching the news, it wasn't anything too new or unusual for this place. But then they showed a picture of this guy on the T.V. His hair was dyed a mint green and he was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans. They called him the 'King of Mafias' and his name was apparently Suga. But he sure did sound interesting. 

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now