Chapter 6

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~Taehyung's point of view.~

I slowly opened the door to Y/N and Nayeon's room while Namjoon was right behind me. 

"She's sleeping. Against a wall," Namjoon whispered as we crept into the room so that we wouldn't wake her up but I have a good feeling that we look like thugs breaking in. 

I looked at Namjoon and glared at him. "I can see that smartypants," I deadpanned while tiptoeing to where she was. 

I signalled Namjoon to lift the top half of her body while I lifted her legs. Now it looks like we're kidnappers. We placed her in her bed and tucked her in so she could sleep more peacefully. 

After making sure Y/N was sleeping comfortably we heard Jin yell, "LUNCH IS READY!"

Namjoon and I raced downstairs and into the kitchen, almost crashing into Jin and Nayeon. 

"Why were you running so fast?" Nayeon asked while she stabilized herself to not fall. 

"I COULD'VE CRASHED MY HANDSOME FACE IF FELL BECAUSE OF YOU KIDS!" Jin raged in a playful manner. Namjoon and I just chuckled as we sat down at the table, ready to eat. 

Jin placed the food on the table and we started to eat lunch. 

After eating everyone went to the living room to play Super Smash Bros. I would play but I wanted to be with Y/N. 

"Tae come play with us," Nayeon encouraged but I refused. 

"As much as I love video games, I'm gonna go be with Y/N for a bit," I replied while heading up to her room again. 

I sat on the edge of her bed and watched her sleeping peacefully. I felt a pain in my heart and I could just feel my eyes tearing up. It's all my fault. It's my fault she's suffering like this. I felt a warm tear rolling down my cheek but I didn't have the strength to wipe it off. I wanted to help her but I promised him that I wouldn't remind her anything about him. But I swear if that asshole doesn't come back for her soon, I'm gonna track that asshole down and beat the shit out of him. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'm such a bad brother. I shouldn't have taken you with me that day. It would've just ended with meeting at the coffee shop if I didn't take you there that day. You wouldn't have fallen in love with him, you wouldn't be suffering while waiting for him to come back. It's all my fault...," I sighed, a few more hot tears falling down into my cheeks. 

"It's not your fault Taehyung," I suddenly heard Y/N say weakly. I looked at her and she was smiling softly. She brought her hand up and wiped my tears off. "It's not your fault," she repeated as she got up, now sitting down on the bed. 

"Of course, it's my fault. I'm the one that-," I started to say but she cut me off. 

"All you did was formally introduce the two of us. I wasn't very social and you wanted me to at least have one friend. Even better since he was your friend too! You did what you thought was best for me," she reassured. 

I tried to argue back. "But still-" And again she shut me up. 

"You introduced me to my first love. And meeting him is one of the best things that happened in my life so don't feel guilty about it please."

She's good at talking. I sighed and nodded, accepting my defeat. "Ok fine. Now get up and come downstairs."

~Y/N's point of view.~

"Ok fine. Now get up and come downstairs. We gotta go crush those losers playing Super Smash Bros," Taehyung snickered with a grin before leaving the room. I chuckled softly as I got out of bed and brushed my teeth. 

I rushed downstairs and plopped down onto the couch while Namjoon handed me his controller. Taehyung, Jin, Nayeon and I played while Namjoon kept track of how many wins each person got. Every time a round ended Taehyung and I would go on a whole laughing fit at how bad Nayeon and Jin were. 

"Yah! Stop laughing you brats!" Jin shouted while glare back and forth between me and Taehyung. 

"Just start the next round already!" Namjoon yelled which gained all our attention. He had been very quiet this whole time, peacefully putting a tally under the name of the person that had won that round. 

I turned to the clock that was on the wall to check the time. It was seven thirty-eight and it seemed like Jin noticed too. "This is the last game then I have to make dinner," he informed us as we picked our characters. 

And the last game went by with me getting the win. 

"Joon who won overall?" Nayeon asked impatiently. 

"Ok so, Jin got four wins, Nayeon got three wins and both Taehyung and Y/N got ten wins so they tied and won the game," Namjoon replied with a smile as he looked up from the paper to see Nayeon and Jin glaring at him which made his smile fade. 

"Jin go make dinner already!" Taehyung shouted which made Jin run off after just remembering that he had to cook. 

Nayeon on the other hand was still glaring at Namjoon. Aaaand they started arguing. There's not a day that can pass by without some people bickering. I didn't even try to separate them this time and just turned on the T.V. to watch whatever show was playing on TVN while Taehyung watched with me. 

Twenty minutes later Jin started dragging us one by one to the kitchen to eat his 'worldwide famous food'. We all started to eat. We laughed, joked around, chatted and teased each other which usually ended with a knock on the head if it was Jin that you teased. But of course, only Namjoon, Taehyung and I got knocks on the head. He wouldn't hit the girl he loves. 

"No fair! How come you hit all of us but not Nayeon!" Namjoon whined while rubbing his head that just got hit. 

"How can you be so dumb Joon; he can't hurt his precious love!" Taehyung teased while wiggling his eyebrows weirdly. 

"You brat!" Jin yelled as he got up but Taehyung was faster. Taehyung ran away while Jin started chasing him around the house. 

"Y/N-ah?" Nayeon called which made me divert my attention towards her. "You guys always joke around about Jin liking me but why?" She asked. Awwww! She wants to know!

"It's because he actually does like you," I replied with a small smile and then escaped with Namjoon before she could ask anything else. 

After Jin stopped chasing Taehyung we went back to the living room since we were done eating. Namjoon put on a movie for us to watch before we went to bed. We all squished into one couch; Taehyung was on the left end of the couch, I was right beside him, Namjoon was right beside me, Jin was right beside Namjoon and Nayeon was right beside Jin. She was only beside him because Taehyung, Namjoon and I planned it. 

Two hours passed by and the movie was over so we went up to our room to go to sleep. I don't know about the others but I knocked out almost immediately. 

When I woke up in the morning Nayeon wasn't in the bed across the room so I guess she woke up already. I picked up my phone to check what time it was. Nine forty-nine. And fifteen missed calls from Suga. 

To Be Continued...

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