Chapter 20

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"Chaewon's birthday is on Friday you forgetful ass!" Jin shouted then calmed his voice and added, "We're having a surprise party for her."

"I knew we were throwing a party but since when was it supposed to be a surprise party?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Of course it's a surprise party you dumbo! She's a child! Obviously it would be a surprise party!" Nayeon exclaimed. 

"May I kindly remind you that none of us had a surprise party until we were in our twenties and all five of us lived together," Taehyung reminded as kind as possible, with a small awkward smile. 

"How about we stop arguing and get to work," I suggested, getting up and heading towards the door, grabbing my coat and putting on my short black boots. 

Nayeon and Namjoon quickly followed, also grabbing their coats and putting on their shoes. We said our goodbyes to Taehyung and Jin before leaving and getting in the car. 

When we got there Namjoon went to his classroom while Nayeon and I went to ours. 

They passed by like a normal day. Chaewon still stayed inside during recess sometimes and to make it look like we didn't know Yoongi we just let her. Sometimes Nayeon and I would stay with her and play games with her or something and sometimes she would just doodle while Nayeon and I left the class. Today was one of the days where Nayeon and I spent time with her and talked to her. We tried not to say anything about the party and indirectly asked her questions for decoration ideas and presents. 

Soon enough school was over and since Chaewon had dance class again it was our golden time to discuss how this whole surprise party thing was gonna work. Hoseok came to pick her from school and then dropped her off at dance then we all met up at my house to plan the party. All of us were here except Yoongi and Felix. Yes, Felix is helping. Since he is one of my close friends and it's not like we know anyone else that we could invite so we convinced him to help too. We decided to play some games while we waited for the two of them. 

Eventually Felix showed up and soon after Yoongi as well. "Finally! Now we can get to work and start planning the party!" Taehyung exclaimed with a bright smile. 

"Ok, before we start anything else, how are we supposed to distract her? She doesn't have dance on Friday so what's the plan?" Nayeon asked, leaning back into the chair. 

"Friday is still a school day. You and Y/N are her teachers so it's pretty simple. You guys just have to take her out until we say you can come back," Felix told us then added. "Now! Decorations!"

As we were talking about the party Namjoon suggested something that should've been said in the very beginning. "Why are we talking about decorations here instead of at the location of the party?"

"Great point but I think it's a little too late to go there. I have to be there to pick up Chaewon and if we go there we'll only have about ten minutes left to plan," Hoseok explained all in one breath. 

"So how are we gonna visualize what it'll look like?" Jin asked as the eight of us looked amongst each other for answers. 

"Get me pencil and paper. I'll draw it," Yoongi, who's been surprisingly really quiet since we started planning, finally said something. 

Yoongi drew what the inside of the house looked like then drew the decorations in the areas we said we would put the decorations. He was a great drawer and the idea of what their house was going to look like for the party was actually looking really nice!

"This is perfect!" I exclaimed as we all looked at the final picture once Yoongi was done with drawing. 

"So tomorrow after school we're meeting at our place, am I right?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi placed the drawing back on the table. 

"That's how I remember it!" Namjoon exclaimed happily.

"I can go pick up Chaewon from dance," Felix offered with a small smile now that it was time to go get her. 

"I'll come with you!" I said as I got up from the couch along with Felix, and Yoongi got up too. 

"And I'll tag along as well," he stated as he grabbed his coat, putting it on and getting ready to leave to pick up Chaewon. 

Yoongi was the first one out of the house, then Felix and as I left I heard Jin whispering, "Yoongi just got jealous didn't he?" 

"I think so," Nayeon agreed. 

"There is no think. He did get jealous," Taehyung added and then I was out of the house. 

We were going in Yoongi's car. Yoongi was in the driver's seat, obviously, I was beside Yoongi in the passenger seat while Felix was in the back, basically third wheeling. Yoongi was ok with Felix at first but then he suddenly started getting really cautious around him for some reason. I was meaning to ask him what was wrong but with Chaewon's birthday, school and everything else I haven't gotten much alone time with him so I couldn't. But next time we get to be alone I will definitely ask him why he suddenly got so protective. 

The ride was really quiet at first but thankfully Felix made a really stupid joke which immediately brightened up the mood and we were laughing the whole way to Chaewon's dance studio. 

Once we got there, Yoongi parked the car then turned the car off and we got out, going inside the studio and waiting in the lobby for Chaewon. 

Soon enough our little Chaewon came out of a room looking very tired. But as soon as she saw Felix, Yoongi and me she immediately brightened up and ran over to us. "Uncle Suga! Uncle Felix! Aunt Y/N!" she squealed while enveloping the tree of us into a big group hug. 

"Hello Chaewon!" All three of us greeted her back at the same time, causing the little girl to giggle happily. 

"Are we going back to Aunt Y/N's house to see everybody else?" she asked eagerly, jumping up and down from excitement. 

Yoongi chuckled and nodded. "Yes we are, and your dad's there too," Yoongi told her which made her smile grow even more. 

"Yay! Let's go! Quick quick!" she exclaimed, dragging the three of us outside and to the car. 

Once we were outside she let us go and we started to walk to the car. "Darling! Give me the keys I'll drive!" I said to Yoongi as he threw them to me and I caught them, unlocking the car and getting into the driver's seat. 

"What a beautiful couple, don't you agree Chaewon?" Felix asked her as the two of them climbed into the back seats, Yoongi in the passenger seat beside me. 

"I certainly agree!" Chaewon agreed, giggling softly. 

"How do you know that word? You're in grade one and I know for a fact that we haven't taught that yet," I asked her, quite confused as to how in the world a first grader knows the word "certainly". 

"She loves studying," Yoongi said with a sigh while Felix looked at the child in shock. 

"How do you like studying?!" Felix asked, seeming extremely perplexed. 

"That explains why she tops the whole class," I said with a chuckle. 

"That's Chaewon. Our little star," Yoongi added with his big bright gummy smile. 

After a bit we finally got back home. The four of us got out of the car and went inside the house and surprisingly no one was beating each other up. We proceeded to go into the living room with Chaewon. Once everyone saw her they got very happy, hugging her multiple times but she seemed to like it since she was smiling brightly. 

Once everyone was done hugging her we all sat in the living room and that's when we all noticed that the picture Yoongi drew of what the living room would look like with decorations was still on the table.

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now