Chapter 24

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"Don't follow or I swear to god I'll make sure you never see me again, even if that means dying." As I turned back and around to leave I saw a single tear rolling down his face.

I didn't know where to go. I can't even go to the waterfall because he'll know I'm there. So, I went to the school. I sat inside our classroom at my desk and cried. He lied to me. He told someone to act like him. He made me believe that he was just some mafia. I should've known that when Felix said some drunk shit last night. But then Yoongi screaming into the pillow flashed through my mind. 


I came back out and saw Yoongi still in bed, his face buried into a pillow. "I CAN'T FUCKING TELL HER. I'M SO SCARED!" I heard him scream into the pillow. 


I hate him, I hate him so much... That was the only thought running through my mind as I drifted off into sleep on the desk while still crying. 

~3 weeks later.~

I walked out of the coffee shop and started walking away angrily. "Baby wait!" I heard Yoongi's voice again as he came from behind and hugged me. 

"Let me go Suga," I told him and he just shook his head. 

"No I don't want to," he whispered, holding me close. I missed him so much but I'm still mad at him. 

"I'm not coming back just let go and give up!" I shouted, pushing him off me and walking away from there, into a crowd so that he can't find me. I went straight to the waterfall. I know for a fact that he'll come here yet I still came here. I haven't really been talking to Felix, Hoseok or Taehyung, my own brother. I tried to avoid all four of them as much as I could but it was hard since I live with Tae, I somehow run into Felix everywhere I go, Hoseok is always dropping Chaewon off and picking her up from school, and Yoongi is just following me everywhere. It was impossible to get rid of him but I was suffering without him. I still treated Chaewon just the same and same with Youngmi. But recently Youngmi came and told me about something that happened that definitely shouldn't have happened. She said Sana was the only legal guardian she had since her father died soon after getting married to that witch. But Sana never loved the girl and abused Youngmi. This has been happening for a damn year and the little girl had no one to ask for help until now. But I can't just take her away, that's the problem. I have to tell someone else about it but I don't know who to tell especially when I'm not talking to some of the people I trust the most. I sat on a rock at the waterfall and stared at the water, it helped me relax a lot. But that feeling of relaxation didn't last long since someone sat beside me, Yoongi of course. 

"Can we talk without you walking away this time?" he asked, staring at the grass. 

"Fine, we can talk," I said with a sigh. It's either we talk and get it over with or he keeps following me everywhere I go. Even when I'm at school he'll stand outside all day and wait for me to leave!

He smiled and looked up at me, surprised. "I love you Y/N, I always have," he started. "That bastard got away with everything he did just because everyone was scared of him, and I was too at that time. So I stayed by his side, grew and learned everything I needed to know to take him down. And that's what I did! I took him down after two years but when I went to your house I found out that you had left. And then I saw you here that day but you didn't remember me. I was confused at first and Taehyung told me that you forgot what I looked like and my name and everything and then I was scared as to how you would react when I told you. So I told Hoseok since I don't know any other people and he got Felix and then he came and talked to you. I was just dumb and scared of losing you but then I did lose you because of my stupidity. So in conclusion, I'm madly in love with you and I'm sorry for everything and please come back to me, I'm begging you," he explained, a few tears falling from his eyes as he looked at me. There was a longing and regret in his glistening eyes. 

"I love you too Yoongi. And I forgive you," I told him with a soft smile, wiping away his tears although a few fell from my own eyes. He smiled his gummy smile, wiping my tears as well before placing his lips on mine. I smiled, we did it. We fixed everything that came in the way and got through it together.

The End!


HA YOU THOUGHT IT WAS DONE! Well, there's more!

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now