Chapter 13

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"So you're dating the... Mafia King?" Nayeon asked me with a confused look on her face. "Is he the mint guy?! I think I'm going to pass out! What's going on here?"

"Ok calm down! Deep breaths!" I said calmly while Chaewon and I made Nayeon sit down so we could explain properly. 

After calming down she sighed and turned to the two of us. "Are you going to explain now?" Nayeon asked, staring me down. 

"I'm not dating the mafia king," I started, "yet."

"But uncle Suga really really likes her," Chaewon added and I nodded. 

"Wait, slow down, I'm confused. Then who's Yoongi? Who's Mint?" Nayeon asked. 

"Uncle Suga's real name is Yoongi!" Chaewon told her. 

"And his hair is mint green so mint!" I added. 

Nayeon was about to say something but the bell rang and the art teacher came in so I just took my coffee with a smile and left the room while waving at Chaewon. Nayeon quickly followed me out of the room, catching up to me so that she could ask more questions!

The hall was filled with children getting ready to go back to class while Nayeon and I tried to squeeze through. We ended up walking through the older kids hallway and let me tell you, these kids are TALL. I'm basically a midget compared to them. Why are kids so tall these days! And we happened to walk by Namjoon as well who was ushering the children back into the classroom. And guess what? He's taller than all these tall kids! Why is everyone I know tall!

"Hey Nayeon and Y/N!" Namjoon called as we were walking by. 

Nayeon grabbed my wrist and stopped in front of Namjoon to greet him as if we don't live together and see each other all the time. "Hey Joon!" Nayeon greeted with a smile while I was scared that Nayeon was going to say something about Yoongi. 

"Hi," I said, making sure to keep it short so that we could get out of there quickly. 

Most of the kids were inside the room so Namjoon had to go back in as well. "I have to go so I'll see you guys later," Namjoon said before heading into the classroom. 

Nayeon then continued to drag me further down the hall and to the staff room where there was barely anyone. "You are answering every single question I ask," she demanded. I tried to protest but she beat me to it and asked her first question. "So, when did you meet?"

I sighed in defeat. "The night we had our housewarming party," I answered. 

"When you went out to revisit places?" She asked and I nodded in response. "Is he nice to you? Does he treat you well? Does he hurt you? Are you ok? Were you threatened to date him? Did he say-"

I cut her off. "Whoa whoa, slow down. We're technically not dating. But to answer your first question, yes, he's really nice."

She sighed and smiled softly. "I'm sorry I got all overprotective. It's just, he's the mafia king and I just wanted to make sure that you're safe."

I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Don't worry, I know. But please don't tell the boys. They'll yell at me, especially your boyfriend."

"You're not gonna stop emphasizing the fact that he's my boyfriend now, are you?" she asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice. 

"Give it a week or two to sink in," I said, making her chuckle and nod. 

"But I'm telling Taehyung," Nayeon told me, making my eyes go wide. 

"But he'll tell Joon and Jin!" I protested with a pout. 

"But you're the closest to him," she argued back. 

"But he's terrible when it comes to keeping secrets!" I argued back. 

"But he knows you the best. Plus, I have a feeling he already knows," Nayeon said, finishing the argument. 

"He knows? You sure?" I asked while debating whether he knows or not even though he showed many signs of knowing about him. 

"When we were watching the news one day you said something about him being nice and when we asked how you knew you said that you heard from somewhere. But Tae was being weird and suspicious of you," she gave as an example. "But anyways, Chaewon said that Suga liked you. Did you know about this?" she asked. 

I nodded. "The last time we met up he confessed. Kinda. I mean, he didn't actually say it but he said he considered himself my boyfriend soooo."

Nayeon had a smile spread across her face while listening. "Does that mean our little Y/N is going to have a boyfriend soon," she teased. 

I shrugged. "Well I don't know. I mean I definitely am attracted to Yoongi but I still love him," I told her while looking down. 

She let out a deep sigh. "He's your first love, that's going to stick with you forever but that doesn't mean you can't date other people."

"But he said he'd come back. I have to wait for him!"

"It's been ten years now, he's probably not coming back! But if you still want to wait for him, at least have some fun and enjoy yourself while you wait!"

"But what if-"

She cut me off. "Do you like Suga?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yes but-"

"Then you're going to call him and tell him that! Give me your phone," she demanded and I shook my head but my phone was on the table so she reached over and grabbed it. And this was one time I wish she didn't know my phone password. She unlocked my phone, went to my contacts, found 'Mint' and called him. She gave the phone back to me with a proud look on her face. 

After about three rings he answered the phone. Or we thought it was him until we heard the voice. "Hello? Who is this?" It was Hoseok. 

"Hey Hoseok, it's Y/N," I told him then wondering why he didn't know it was me. What does Yoongi have my number saved as?

"Oh hey Y/N! I didn't know it was you since Yoongi had your number saved as 'Her'," Hoseok cheered. "Why'd you call?"

"I had some free time since the kids had art class so I called to see if Yoongi could talk for a bit," I told him. 

"Yoongi's actually a bit busy right now. I'll let him know you called and tell him to call you back later," he informed. 

"Oh ok. Well, I'll let you go back to whatever you were doing then. See you around," I said. 

"Alright, bye Y/N!" Hoseok cheered before hanging up. 

I turned back to Nayeon and filled her in on the conversation. "Awww. That sucks! When he calls you back you have to confess though!" she demanded and I just nodded. 

"Yeah, ok I will," I told her and then the bell rang. "Well, time to get back to the kids!"

The final bell of the day rang and the first day of school was officially over. Nayeon and I helped the kids get ready to go home, sending them off with their parents. Once again, everyone went quiet and they started to make a clear path. I was expecting Hoseok to be there but instead Yoongi was there. 

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now