Chapter 17

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"Y/N, it's me. The guy from ten years ago," the guy breathed out, he looked hurt. 

My eyes widened. "N-no you're not," I stuttered. He's here? Now? Why would he come now?

Yoongi looked genuinely lost, looking back and forth between me and this strange man. 

"I am him! It's really me! Lee Felix!" He shouted, again looking hurt. I could feel myself tearing up but I did my best to hold them back. 

"Y-you're name's Felix?" I asked hesitantly and he nodded and started walking closer to me. 

Yoongi who was just watching the two of us now got defensive, grabbing my arm and pulling me closer towards him. 

"Y/N, what do you have to do with the mafia king you?" Felix asked through his teeth. He was getting a little angry. 

"She's my girlfriend. Now fuck off," Yoongi sneered, dragging me out of the forest. But Felix didn't stop there. He followed us out of the forest and grabbed my other wrist, holding me back. 

Yoongi turned around to see why I stopped. Yoongi was holding my right wrist and Felix was holding my left. "She may be your girlfriend now but she was mine first so shut up," Felix scowled, glaring right at him. 

"Felix stop. We'll talk about this later. It's weird to see you suddenly show up out of nowhere," I breathed out, releasing my wrist from his grip. 

He sighed sadly before responding, "How do we talk later if I can't contact you?"

"The coffee shop tomorrow at five pm," I told him, and this time I was the one to drag Yoongi away from there. 

As soon as we were away from Felix, Yoongi turned to me with a serious look. "Baby who is that guy?"

I checked the time. I have to get back to the school soon. "Yoongi I need to get back to the school, we'll talk about this after school. I promise," I told him, rising onto my tiptoes and gently kissing his forehead. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him and placing his lips on mine. I smiled softly and kissed him back. Soon I pulled away. "I got to go now Mint." He smiled and nodded. 

I got in the car, starting it up and driving back to the school. 

Once I got there I parked the car and went inside the school building. I checked the staff room to see if Nayeon was there. But she wasn't there. I thought that maybe she was in the classroom but she wasn't there either. I sighed and took out my phone to call her. A few rings later she picked up the phone. "Hey Y/N!" she cheered. 

"Hey. I'm back, where are you?" I asked her while sitting down at my table. 

"I went to get coffee," she replied then added, "I'm coming back right now."

"Ok, see you in a bit," I said then hung up. 

After a bit Nayeon came back with coffee for the both of us and soon after that the bell rang so the children came back inside. The day went on and soon school was finally over. Nayeon and I helped the kids pack their bags and get ready to go home. Again Yoongi came to pick up Chaewon. And again everyone avoided him. 

"We're gonna head over to your place. And we need to talk," Yoongi said to me. I just nodded and smiled slightly. 

When all the kids were gone Nayeon turned to me. "What happened? Why was it so tense? Also, ever since lunch you've been really dull. What's going on?" She asked worriedly. 

"I'll explain when we get home. Now let's go get Joon," I told her before going back into the classroom to gather all my belongings. 

After getting all our stuff Nayeon and I went to Namjoon's classroom where he was gathering all of his belongings. "Let's go!" Namjoon cheered as he came towards us. Nayeon gave him a small smile while I just walked away, expecting them to follow me. 

~Namjoon's point of view.~ 

Y/N didn't say anything nor smile and just walked away. It scared me. Nayeon and I quickly followed her. "What happened?" I whispered to Nayeon who was walking alongside me. 

She just shrugged. "I have no clue. She said she'll tell when we got home. But when Yoongi came to pick up Chaewon he said that the two of them needed to talk," she told me, her voice filled with worry. 

"Do you think they fought? Or maybe they're breaking up?" I suggested and she glared at me. 

"Maybe they fought but I doubt they're going to break up. It's probably something else. We're going to find out anyway so just be quiet," she demanded and so I shut up and we continued to follow Y/N.

~Y/N's point of view.~

We got to the car. I unlocked it and got in, starting the car up. Once Namjoon and Nayeon were in as well I started to drive back home. The ride back home wasn't as bright as usual but the two still tried to brighten it up. 

"Y/N, can you just tell us what's going on?" Namjoon pleaded with a sigh, giving up on trying to make the ride more fun and enjoyable. 

Nayeon backed him up. "He's right. If you're gonna be quiet and make the whole ride back home so dull then at least let us know why?"

I sighed. "He came," I said. 

It took a minute for them to understand what I meant. "What?! When?!" Nayeon shouted. 

"When I went out during the lunch break."

"Where was this and how did it happen?" Namjoon asked. 

"I went to this special spot that I always go to. Yoongi ended up being there so we were hanging out but then some dude showed up and he knew my name. He said that he was the guy from ten years ago but I don't know his face or his name so it's hard to actually confirm it," I said in all one breath. It felt so damn good to get that out though. 

"What did he say his name was?" Nayeon asked again. 

"Lee Felix," I replied. 

"Lee Felix?! Did he look rich at all?" Namjoon asked and I shrugged. 

"Yeah I guess he kinda did."

"No way! That means he's the youngest and richest CEO in all of Korea!" 

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now