Chapter 3

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A big shot mafia like him in a forest? I guess big shots need some peace too. "Uh hi. You're Suga right?" I asked, then realizing how creepy that sounded so I added. "I saw you on T.V."

He glanced at me and looked back at the water with a slight nod. After a bit of awkward silence, he finally said something. "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to sit down?"

"Uh sure," I mumbled as I sat on a rock by the waterfall opposite to him. I can't believe I'm literally sitting with the mafia boss; I'm so dumb.

"What, are you scared?" he asked with a small chuckle as he looked away from the water to me with the smallest smile ever.

"Yeah kinda I guess. I mean you're the king of the mafias! Who wouldn't be scared?" I replied with an awkward smile.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you; I only hurt people that mess with me or bother girls," he reassured while turning back to the waterfall.

"What a gentleman," I commented as I examined his face. He looked so handsome. His eyes a dark chocolate colour and his mint green hair covering his forehead. His faint pink lips slightly parted and looking hella kissable. I immediately slapped myself. What am I thinking? He's the king of mafias! I seriously need to go get my brain checked.

Suga turned back to me and gave a weird look, probably hearing and seeing me slap myself. I just gave him an awkward smile but he just went back to looking at the water and so did I, trying not to think about the fact that I wanted to kiss him.

It's been about thirty minutes since I got here and the sun had gone down and the moon was up. Yes, Suga was still here. We chatted and got to know each other a bit.

"It's late. I should get going," I told Suga as I got up from the rock.

Suga got up as well and I thought he was going to leave too. "It's dark now. I'll come with you. And don't think anything of it. I just don't like when guys bother girls," he said as he stood beside me; probably waiting for me to start walking.

I just nodded at him and started to walk back to my house with him walking beside me. Nothing really happened but he wouldn't leave me until we were right in front of my house. 

"Thank you," I said with a small smile and turned to go inside.

I felt him grab my wrist so I turned to face him again. "Give me your phone," he demanded. I hesitated but took my phone from my pocket and gave it to him. "Unlock." I took it, unlocked it and gave it back to him. He took out his phone and did something on both our phones. I couldn't help but think he was giving me his number but why would he? He eventually shoved his phone back into his pocket and gave me my phone back then just walked away. Like that, no bye no nothing. He just left. 

I started to walk back inside while unlocking my phone to see what he did. As soon as I unlocked the phone it was on a contact. It was an unfamiliar number that was saved under the name 'Mafia King'. This man literally saved his number as mafia king. But he gave his number. Wait... HE GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! THAT GUY FREAKING GAVE ME HIS NUMBER. I was mentally screaming the whole time and as soon as I got inside, I started running around the living room while silently screaming so that I wouldn't wake anyone up. 

After a while I finally stopped screaming and running. I checked the time; it was ten thirty-two. I should probably get to sleep but before that I'm changing the name for his number. I changed the name from 'Mafia King' to 'Mint'. His hair makes him look like a mint so mint it is! After changing the name I decided to go get some sleep. I went upstairs and made sure the boys were asleep before going back to my room. Nayeon was sound asleep where I left her. I went and laid in bed and closed my eyes, thinking about him. And by him, I mean the man I went looking for. I guess I'm always thinking about him. 

I guess I drifted off to a deep sleep 'cause Nayeon, Jin, Taehyung and Namjoon were shaking me furiously in order to wake me up. 

"Finally you woke up!" Jin yelled before going downstairs; probably to make breakfast. 

"Ok let's go! Y/N will come down after brushing her teeth. Plus, I have a terrible headache and I can't remember anything from yesterday," Nayeon complained while pushing the boys out of the room and going with them. If only the girl could remember what Jin and her do when they're drunk. 

I pushed the blanket aside, got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I got refreshed and went downstairs to see Jin in the kitchen, Nayeon and Namjoon arguing about who knows what; and Taehyung playing overwatch. 

First, I have to separate Namjoon and Nayeon. Then make Nayeon go help Jin and maybe they'll end up together which I doubt since they both are scaredy cats. Then I go to play Overwatch with Taehyung; of course Namjoon has to play too. 

So that's exactly what I did. I forced Jin and Nayeon to spend time together while Taehyung, Namjoon and I played overwatch in the living room. 

About ten minutes later Taehyung got up to go to the kitchen to check if breakfast is ready. But then Taehyung was, screaming? "YAH! STOP FLIRTING AND WATCH THE DAMN STOVE!"

Namjoon and I quickly ran into the kitchen to see what happened. The stove was turned off but the pancakes on the stove were burned. "You shouldn't have made them spend time together," Namjoon pointed out as we stared at the burnt pancake to which I nodded in agreement. 

"Geez it's just one pancake," Jin complained while throwing out the burnt pancake. 

"Plus we can just make more," Nayeon added with a somewhat guilty smile on her face. 

"At least tell us you're dating now. You were clearly flirting when I came in," Taehyung stated, his arms now crossed over his chest while he leaned against a wall. 

Jin and Nayeon got all flustered. They were both blushing as they glanced at each other then immediately looking away from each other. These two are so weird; I can't with them. So I decided to change the topic. "Am I the only one here that's hungry? Let's eat already!" I complained while placing the pancakes on the table. 

"She's right! Let's eat!" Namjoon repeated cheerfully and so we started to eat. 

Nayeon and Jin weren't dating yet, that's for sure. They're acting very uncomfortable; as if they're trying to hide the feelings from showing. They were probably debating whether the other one likes them or not. Dumbasses just can't fess up already. But then again Taehyung did point out that they were flirting. I'm honestly surprised he didn't straight up expose them already; that's what he did to me with him. Taehyung straight up told him that I liked him; not that it was necessarily a bad thing. 

We finished eating and washed the dishes before going and relaxing in the living room. Namjoon turned the T.V. on so we could watch a movie. It's not like we had anything else to do. I wish I had work then I wouldn't have to spend the day with these dorks. I'll start work next month, actually more like one week since I have to get into the school a week earlier to get everything ready for the kids. And technically I'm not gonna be away from all the dorks. Namjoon and Nayeon are going to be with me. But I was interrupted from my thoughts by Nayeon. 

"Yah Y/N! Some guy called your phone and I picked up, so here," she said while handing me my phone. "Also why do you have him saved as 'Mint'?" she asked while I took my phone with a shocked expression. 

I went into the kitchen area so that the others aren't being too loud. "Hi Suga," I said wondering why he would call me all of a sudden. 

"Why did you save me as 'Mint'?" 

To Be Continued...

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