Chapter 7

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Why did he call me fifteen times? And he called at one in the morning. I decided that I'd call him back right after I refreshed myself. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then called him back. It was only a few rings before he picked up. 

"Hi Y/N," he greeted as soon as he answered. 

"Hi. Why'd you call me fifteen times in the middle of the night?" I asked then immediately regretting it. I hate how straightforward we both are. 

"Uhh. I got drunk," he said bluntly and I could just imagine the sheepish look on his face. 

"Soooo, you got drunk and accidentally called me?" I asked to make sure that's how it was. 

"No no. I got drunk and purposely called you," he explained then added. "Never mind that. You wanna maybe hang out today?"

"I would love to hang out with you but school starts soon and I need to go buy stuff for the classroom," I declined although I really wanted to hang out with him for some reason. 

"Oh ok." He sounded kinda upset. Or maybe I'm imagining that, who knows? But then I was pulled out of my thoughts by his voice once again. "If you're busy today could we maybe hang out tomorrow? After that we can't meet for a while so I kinda wanna meet up before that."

"Yeah, we can hang out tomorrow! Should we just meet there again?" I asked and honestly, I would probably be a bit busy after tomorrow too with setting up the classroom and stuff. 

"Sure, we'll meet there at ten in the morning. We're spending the whole day together," he demanded then chuckled softly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so demanding; I just wanted to spend a lot of time with you."

My cheeks suddenly felt really warm and I swear my heart was not ok. "Y-yeah. Ok, see you tomorrow," I quickly say. I couldn't keep talking to him. After he said that my heart kept beating faster and I couldn't control it so the only solution was not talking to him. 

"Ok see you tomorrow cutie!" he bubbled and hung up. I just stared at my phone for a bit while trying to process what had just happened. 

"He said he wanted to spend time with me, he called me cute. He called me cute!" I squealed to myself then I put my straight face back on and screamed. "SINCE WHEN ARE MAFIAS SO CHEERFUL!"

"Y/N WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" Jin yelled from downstairs. 

"BECAUSE I'M NOT OK!" I yelled back. 


"YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled and ran down as fast as I could. He tried to run away but since I was already there that wasn't possible. I pulled him by his ear and glared at him. 

"Owww! Y/N that hurts!" he yelped while I pulled on his ear more. 

And then Nayeon separated the two of us. "You can't kill him yet Y/N. We'll kill him some other day," Nayeon said while patting my back to calm me down while Namjoon just looked terrified and hid behind Taehyung and Jin. 

"Alright let's eat!" Taehyung cheered as he turned around and started pushing Namjoon who used to be behind him into the kitchen. 

"You guys can't go three hours without eating something can you?" Nayeon asked, earning glares from all of us. 

"The bigger question is, you can?" Jin questioned her back and I was still shocked. I knew she was on a diet and all but I eat something like every ten minutes and I still look like a stick!

"I am disappointed. We shall have a feast in honour of Nayeon ending her diet!" Taehyung announced even though Nayeon never said anything about ending her diet. 

"But I never said-" Nayeon started but I just started to drag her to the kitchen. 

As we ate breakfast, we also discussed what we were going to make for our dinner feast in honour of Nayeon. 

"Ok so what're we making for the feast?" Taehyung asked while we ate the pancakes that Jin made for breakfast. 

"Oh no sweethearts! Leave that to me; you guys just chill while I cook," Jin assured with a bright smile. 

"I can help if you like!" Namjoon cheered, earning glares from all of us. "On second thought, I won't help."

After finishing breakfast, Namjoon, Nayeon and I went to get changed since we had to go shopping for school things. Nayeon got changed into some baby blue jean shorts and a black t-shirt that said "Do whatever you want."

"Ohhh cutie!" I commented with a smile before going to go get changed myself. I got changed into baby blue ripped jeans and green and white striped short sleeved shirt. 

Nayeon wasn't in the room so I assume she went downstairs. I jogged down the stairs to be greeted by Nayeon and Jin flirting on one side of the room while Namjoon and Taehyung on the other side of the room were arguing. I chuckled softly which gained their attention somehow. I would've gladly stood there and watched the drama! But I guess my life had other things planned. 

"Oh Y/N's here! Let's go!" Namjoon bubbled as he walked towards the door, leaving Taehyung, who he was just arguing with, with no one to argue with anymore. 

"Are we walking?" Nayeon complained as she ever so slowly separated herself from Jin and made her way to the door. 

"Joon can't drive and neither can you," I reminded her with a small smile which earned a glare from her. 

"But Y/N-ie! You have a license!" Jin cheered with a bright smile. Of course he's helping her. 

"But I don't know where I put-" I started to say but was cut off by a smirking Taehyung. 

"I kept it safe for you," Taehyung interrupted with a smug looking grin on his face while he waved my license in front of my face. 

I glared at him and snatched it out of his hands. "Thanks," I grumbled as I stormed out of the house and started up the van. 

Soon Namjoon and Nayeon joined me in the giant van that we own but were soon gonna sell. Nayeon played music from her phone that was connected to the van's bluetooth. We mostly listened to girl groups but also a few boy groups. All three of us were screaming the lyrics to every song; Nayeon and I doing the singing while Namjoon did the rapping. 

Eventually we ended up at the store. The three of us got out of the car and went into the store to look for stuff. Nayeon and I were teaching a grade one class together this year while Namjoon was teaching a grade seven and eight class alone. So Nayeon and I had to do all our shopping together while Namjoon was all on his own. 

Namjoon dropped two packs of whiteboard markers on the floor, again. He kept dropping things the whole time. Nayeon and I broke out into giggles once again after seeing Namjoon's embarrassed face. 

~???'s point of view.~

I smiled softly to myself while watching her go shopping with her friends from afar. She looks so happy with these people that I know nothing about. Should I just leave her alone? She doesn't know anything about the promise anyway. Maybe I should just let her live her life. She forgot me anyway; she's obviously moved on, supposing the guy she hangs out with all the time. But I love her! I promised her! Well a picture of her that I took with her knowing but still. What if she remembers me but hates me for what I did? Maybe I should just go up to her and tell her who I am? Actually, she might kill me for leaving in the first place so never mind that. Or maybe I should just stay like I am now. Watching her from afar and seeing her be happy is enough for me. 

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now