Day 2

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The world reappeared the next morning. Jack was almost too distraught to hear the voice:

The pink room was attacked last night. One person died.

They are coming for us. We can't let another attack happen. There are boards in the main rooms, board up EVERY window and door.

Nick walked up to him. "Hey, I heard the voice last night. Is he- is he really gone?"

All Jack could do was nod. "He asked me to protect the kids. From Scary Larry. I have to see them through."

"Hey, man, we can make it. Don't worry," Nick said before turning to pick up an armload of boards.
Ashley staggered time the green room under the weight of the boards. As she boarded a small window, she noticed that the laptop was open. Booting up: 74% it said. When she finished the window, she walked over to the laptop. It had finished booting up and now read: 1 Security Camera Online. Sit to view.

Here goes nothing, she thought, and plopped onto the seat. Immediately, she was stuck to the chair. The screen showed a picture of a room— presumably the basement— with the words Find the light switches. You have 20 seconds. Jump to quit. 3, 2, 1...

The words disappeared, and Ashley saw a light switch in the corner of the screen...
Megan finished covering her window, then stepped back to admire her handiwork. This was her 6th window already. She was about to start another one, but then the voice spoke:

Ashley has turned on the basement lights. There are weapons down there!

Ashley herself bolted down the stairs, yelling, "Imma get a crowbar like the villains got!"

Steve trailed behind her and shouted, "Fine, but I wanna find a long weapon, like a pitchfork or something!"

Megan shuddered. Hyperactive kids with weapons was not something she wanted to see, so she followed them to make sure they didn't kill each other.
Heather stood at the foot of the stairs, whimpering next to Denise.

"I don't wanna get a weapon," she sniffed. "I don't wanna hurt the bad guys."

"I know, Heather, but you have to defend yourself if they hurt you first. Let's just look at the tools, okay?" Denise offered.

Heather reluctantly started down the stairs, and gaped at the huge basement. She ran over to the shelves and found apples, money, and something on a slip of paper: 2797. Denise handed her a hammer, saying, "Here, this is a small one. Just humor me, alright?" Heather nodded and accepted it, still thinking about the numbers. Wait a second- she thought back to the voice. Gorge has found a locked vault behind a painting. The code is somewhere in the basement...

The vault! That's what the numbers were for! She bolted up the stairs and made a beeline for the kitchen, where she found the vault and typed in the numbers...
Heather has opened the vault. There is a pile of money inside!

"Money?!" Steve yelled incredulously. "I want some money! I don't even know what to do with money!" He raced to the kitchen with his new pitchfork and saw Heather carefully take a small stack out of the vault. He grabbed the last few bills before it emptied, and just like that, Steve had ten more dollars. He staggered to another window to board it up even more securely, but the boards were gone.

Another chapter done! Thanks to everyone who thinks this is decent! I'm a kinda lazy person so if I don't update within a few days or something, sorry :/

On another note, yesterday was National Middle Child Day! So high five to all the middle siblings out there! 👏 Okay, hace a good day!

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