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A/N: Hello everyone I see your still reading even after the crappy info chapter before this! This story takes place during Half Blood Prince!

Draco's POV:

They say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words would never hurt me, but they are wrong. Words hurt, like they hurt worse than when my father puts me under the cruciantus curse when he's drunk.

No one thinks about my feelings, but that's because of my status as a ignorant asshole. I guess I deserve the way people treat me now then.

I'm forced to keep my appearance in place, but I don't want to! I want to show who I really am, but I must follow my father's 3 rules which are 1 Malfoys do not show emotion or they are considered weak, 2 they do not associate with blood traitors or less, and 3 they do not ever fall in love with the same gender.

I must say that I am fairly good at controlling myself, but my task is taking a toll on me. I don't know how much of this I can take.

Maybe Voldemort should just take my life and these people don't have to deal with me anymore.

Harry's POV:

When will people ever learn that I hate attention? I guess never because every where I go someone always seems to be starring at me, which is really annoying by the way!

There is more interesting people in this school that these people can pay attention to! Like seriously people leave me the fuck alone!

I already know I won't get a moment of peace because I'm the "chosen one", but is it too much to ask I think not.

Sighhh. These idiots go from loving me to hating me to loving me again only to hate me again. Make up your mind, like come on.

Just last year I was being made fun of for being gay and now out of nowhere everyone is ok with it! Girls want me to be their gay best friend where some guys want me to be their boyfriend! No thank you I already have good friends and my eye on a certain stubborn blond... Sorry not sorry!

Lettme tell you something about my crush, he's hot, he's fit, he's not very well liked, he has blond hair, and his pride can easily be broken. Do you know who he is?

If you guessed Draco Malfoy you guessed right!

Mione says I'm obsessed with him, but I'm not all I do is follow him and learn every single little detail bout him. Like I know he's a death eater and I'm very disappointed in him for going through with it.

But the thing is I know he has a reason, also I know there is another side of him that no one sees and I'm determined to figure it out one way or another.

End of chapter.

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