Chapter 4

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A/n: Sup.

Draco's POV:

Some people believe the world is flat! Well if the world is flat then why does my life keep going down hill?

"Hello Draco." That cold voice... I know it very well.

My father.

Harry's POV:

After that little show down in the kitchen everything was fine.

Ron and I were in his room talking.

"Look Harry... If you fancy Malfoy..." I look up and see him scratch the back of his neck nervously. "Look I still hate the prat, but your my best friend so I support you man."

"Thanks Ron." I said with a small smile.

"Also just so you know I think you'd be a great dad!"

"Really?" I asked nervously.

"Yes really! You are scary when you want to be, but fun all the same. I think you'd be great!"

"Thank you Ron I greatly appreciate it, but I'm terrified!"

"I'd call you an idiot if you weren't!" Ron said with a small smile.

The door busts open and the twins come in "we need to have a talk with the father to be!"

"Uhh, sureeeee." I said unsure of what to expect.

Draco's POV:

WARNING! This part holds child abuse/Self harm. If you do not like it skip this part please and thank you!

My father is standing right in front of me with a devilish smile.

I fix my composure and make my face as emotionless as possible. "Hello father."

"Draco, I hear you've been slacking on your task." His cold voice said making me shiver.

"Father, I promise to get the task done by June."

He walks torwards me and I walk backwards into a wall... I start hyperventilating he has me cornered, I hate being cornered.

"You're a coward!" He hissed.

Something in me snapped and I said "I am not a coward!"

I immeaditly regreted what I said because father grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall.

He squeazes hard and I claw at his hand because I can't breathe.

"You are nothing but a little fairy and a disgrace!"

My eyes roll to the back of my head and the need to breathe is intense. Suddenly I can breathe again and my vision starts to come back.

Before I knew it my own father was whipping my back with his belt, each hit brought a new scar to not only my skin, but to my heart as well.

I can hear him saying something, but I'm not listening. This is what I deserve for being a fag and a disgrace.

When I don't feel the belt anymore I sigh of relief it's over... Not. My father starts using his fists and beats me to the pulp.

Why can't I just die? Maybe if I just kill my self the world would be happier. Father bashes my head to the floor and I start to lose consciousness.

"Now for the grand finally!" He whispers. I squeaze my eyes shut to keep blood from rolling into them. "CRUCIO!"

I scream in agony. This pain is wayyyy worse!

The pain continued to the point where I want to die.

"LUCIUS NO STOP PLEASE STOP!" I think my mother yelled before I passed out cold.

When I awaken I realized I'm in my room in intense pain.

Suddenly memories of what happened filled my brain and I start sobbing at the aching pain in my chest.

I feel so lonely, my heart is hallow. My father hates me, I learned to accept that, but it doesn't help the pain.

This pain is too much I need that feeling of relief. I grab my muggle pocket knife and bring it to my wrist and slice.

The pain is non existent, all I feel is relief as the blood drips down my arm. I add another cut and laugh through my tears. This is what he did to me.

When I start to feel light headed I wrap the cuts up and go back to sleep. It's been a long day.

Harry's POV:

I woke up with a start. That dream felt so real!

What was it about tho? I try to remember the details, but they are too foggy.

All I know is that I saw Draco and he looked hurt! Please tell me he's ok I don't want him in pain.

End of chapter.

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