Chapter 3

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A/N: Currently questioning my sanity!

Dream Draco's POV:

His hands traveled down my soft creamy skin "mmm your so beautiful and sexy, baby!"

All my blood travels both to my face and my cock, but mostly my cock.

"B--But my scars are so ugly!" I whine.

The mysterious boy above me presses butterfly kisses onto each of my scars muttering "Beautiful" "sexy" "mine"

I moan loudly when he licks up my length.

"Look at me baby!" He whispers.

"O--Ok..." I lift my head and look right into Potters beautiful green eyes. They are the type of eyes that seem to kill you on the spot as they are the same color as the killing curse. "I love you Harry!"

"I love you too Draco." Harry said engulfing my cock maintaining eye contact with me at all times.

Draco's POV:

I shot up in my bed panting. Did I just have a wet dream over... Blec Potter?

No this dream doesn't mean anything! Potter just happened to be the last person I saw before bed, well except Severus, but he's my uncle and that's different.

This was just a coincidence! Malfoys aren't gay!

Harry's POV:

It's finally Saturday and we were on our way to kings cross station and I was telling Ron about what I heard after Slughorns christmas party about Snape making a unbreakable vow.

I was interrupted by Ron's obnoxious girlfriend Lavender Brown breathing on the glass and drawing a heart while putting R+L in the middle.

She walks off and Hermione was about to come in but saw the heart and stormed off.

"So what happens if you break an unbreakable vow?" I asked him.

He relaxs his elbows on his knees and clasps his hand together then looks me in the eye and says "you die."

Well that's not concerning one bit!

A few hours later we were all at the burrow eating dinner and all I can think about is the baby Kyle carries within him and Draco.

"Harry dear are you alright you seem a bit distant?" Mrs Weasley asked.

I look up "huh... Oh yeah I'm fine."

Remus frowns some "she's right. You do seem a bit out of it."

"But Harry's always out of it!" The twins said.

"Uhh... Umm there is something I need to talk to y'all about." I said putting my fork down.

Everyone's eyes are on me and I flush a bright red.

"What's up?" Tonks asked.

"Err y'all know how I'm gay right?" I asked.

"Yes." Everyone said in sync.

"Harry the entire wizarding world knows that news!" Ginny said grinning.

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